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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:31:48 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:13:03 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />.5- <br /> <br />Mr. Goldberg indicated that the redwood fence planned aromd the play area could <br />only be 3.1/2 feet high on that portion bordering on Cotmty Road B. Mr. Benson <br />indicated that 3.1/2 feet would be sufficient but they felt that 5 feet would be <br />preferable. Mr. Benson also indicated that the finn is seeking a variance to the rear <br />yard setback. A 50 foot setback is required and they are proposing to have 30 feet. <br />Mr. Kellett asked what the front yard setback would be. Mr. Benson responded that <br />the building would be 40 feet from the front property line. <br /> <br />Mrs. Demos stated that she believed very strongly in the concept of day care centers, <br />but felt that the location of such centers is a most important consideration. <br /> <br />Mr. Kellett inquired as to whether children would be coming at night. Mr. Benson in. <br />dicated they Olrrent1y have no intentions of being open during the evening and <br />would be glad to have a condition placed on the special use pennit prohibitng such. <br /> <br />Mrs. Demos asked if any of the children would come from outside School District <br />No. 623. Mr. Benson. stated that their experience in the other two centers is that <br />80% of the children corne from within 2 miles of the center. The finn's policy is to <br />accept any qualified applicants regardless of their patricular address. <br /> <br />Mr. Membrez asked if the finn considered the traffic flow they had developed, to be <br />a good design. Mr. Benson presented a landscape plan, with the names of trees and size <br />of trees to be located on. the property, to the Conmission. Mr. George Springborg, <br />1149 Sandhurst, inquired as to when Social Dynamics had purchased the lots. Mr. Benson <br />indicated that the finn has an optim and has at present not purchased the lots. <br /> <br />Mr. Springborg inquired as to the charge per child. Mr. Benson indicated that a <br />decision. has not been made to date, but that $25 per week per child is Olrrently being <br />charged in the other two centers. <br /> <br />Mr. Berry inquired as to whether they were equipped to serve the retarded or handi- <br />capped. Mr. Benson indicated that they do not have qualified personnel for the re. <br />tarded, but that they do have qualified staff to work with reading problems. <br /> <br />Mr. Arlan Van I-2el, 1173 Sandhurst, asked why Social Dynamics thought they were doing <br />the neighborhood a favor when the neighbors were all against it. <br /> <br />Mr. Martin Worth, 1207 West County Road B, inquired if any watchman was being planned <br />to be in the area during the night time. Mr. Benson indicated that there were no pl<;ms <br />at present for this and that they had experienced no need for watchmen in their other <br />two cen te rs. <br /> <br />Mr. Thomas Klue, 1186 \\T. County Road B, stated that he felt the shrubbery, etc. <br />along County Road B would certainly cause a traffic hazzard and asked how the traffic <br />was going to be handled. Mr. Benson indicated that one access would be pennitted for <br />entrance, one way traffic only, and an exit would be provided at a different curb cut. <br /> <br />Mr. Garry Schmidt asked how high the shrubbery would be on the westerly portion of <br />the property. Mr. Benson respcnded that it would be approximately 4 feet high. <br /> <br />Mr. Greg Kittleson. asked if the finn had considered not allowing a left hand turn coming <br />out of the parking lot. Mr. Benson stated that the finn would certainly be willing to <br />do that. Mr. Bob Hinglefelt, 1170 COtmty Road B, indicated that although there were <br />3,000 children under 5 in the Village, there were only 906 children in the age group <br />3 . 5 in Roseville. <br />
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