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<br />Roseville Planning Commission <br />Wednesday, November 1, 1972 <br /> <br />The November 1, 1972 regular meeting of the Roseville Planning Commission was <br />called to order by Chairman Pope at 7:30 P.M. <br /> <br />Members present: Membrez, Demos, Kellett, G. Jolmson, and Pope. V. Jolmson and <br />Eagles arrived at 7:45 P.M, <br /> <br />Members absent: <br />Others present: <br /> <br />None <br />Cmmcilmen Albert Grauel, Midwest Planning Representative <br />Dick Dwinell and Administrative Assistant Steve North. <br /> <br />Approval of Minutes <br /> <br />Mrs. Demos moved and Mr. Kellett seconded, that the minutes of the regular <br />meeting of October 4, 1972, be approved with the following amendments: <br /> <br />Planning File 722 - Discussion, Page 3, Paragraph 4 should read: <br />Mr. Kirkman indicated.. . from renting to.. . social security retirement <br />benefits. <br /> <br />Planning File 722 - Discussion, Page 3, Paragraph 13 add quotation marks <br />armmd: ''We do not want the project and we are going to fight it." <br /> <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Membrez, Demos, Kellett, G. Johnson, and Pope. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Mrs. Demos moved and Mr. Kellett seconded that the minutes of the special <br />meeting of October 16, 1972, be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Demos, Kellett, <br />G. Jolmson, and Pope. Nays: None. Abstain: Membrez. <br /> <br />Planning File 690 - Study of Noise Level at the Interchange of Highways <br />36-280-35W <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Mr. Kermit McCrae, Assistant District Engineer for the Minnesota State High- <br />way Department, briefly reviewed the alternatives that have been investigated <br />by the State Highway Department for the abatement of noise at the intersection <br />of 36-280-35W. He stated that the State Highway Department has decided that a <br />combined method utilizing wooden barrier walls, concrete walls, and earth m01mds <br />would be the most effective answer to the noise problem on the south side of <br />this intersection. <br /> <br />The Highway Department therefore recommends that the Planning Commission <br />recorrnnend approval of the proposed plan and that it could then go to the <br />Village Cmmcil faT their discussion and decisionc He stated that the <br />proposed plan would require the purchase of three existing homes and the <br />partial taking of other property in the area. The three homes to be pur- <br />chased would be the Carlsons, Dilners, and Jor,nsonso M:c McCrae indicated <br />that if this plan were approved by the village, the Highway Department would <br />modify the existing contract to include the proposed work which could be <br />completed on existing right-of-way. This construction would probably be <br />done in 1973. <br /> <br />The work which would be done on the right-of-my not yet acquired would be <br />completed after the acquisition of all the additional right~of-way had been <br />accomplished. <br />