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<br />~ 5~ <br /> <br />He also expressed concern about the size of the proposed lots, <br /> <br />MIs Cushing commented that existing z.oning seemed appropriate for the area, She <br />opposed the application <br /> <br />ML Membrez stated that the applicant was requesting too many units and that he was <br />opposed to the applIcation <br /> <br />Recommendation <br /> <br />Hr, Kellett moved and Mr G, Johnson seconded, that the Commission recommend approval <br />of Yoava Klucsar's request for lezoning from R~2 to B-3 and special use permit at <br />2590 North Lexington Avenue with the condition that the minimum requirements provided <br />for In the League of Minnesota MunIcipalities Handbook For Mobile Home Parks be met <br />for the entire mobile home park Roll Call, Ayes ~ G, Johnson, Nays: Kellett, <br />Membrez, Durgin, Cushing and Grauel <br /> <br />Plannm[ FIle 853 <br /> <br />Daryl Fa11 Development Corporation request for amended special <br />use permit at 1650 Highway 36 <br /> <br />Presentation <br /> <br />Mr, John GlIck, Director of Development Design for Daryl FaIr Development Corporation, <br />indIcated they proposed to convert a parking area of 24 spaces to a tennis courL He <br />stated the most cars they have seen in that particular parking area, the last month at <br />anyone time was three The apartment complex presently has 210 enclosed garages and <br />210 surface parking spaces <br /> <br />Mre Glick indicated that he would be willing to obtain a parking easement, which would <br />provide the additional 24 spaces, wlth the Roseda1e Towers also owned by Daryl Fan <br />located to the west of the apartment complex, <br /> <br />DI5 cussion <br /> <br />Mr Membrez IndIcated that he could see nothing wrong with the request for the tennis <br />coun <br /> <br />Lucille Eng, 2213 Midlothian Road, stated that she has no objection to the tennis <br />courts, however, she expressed her concern about the apartment tenants parking on <br />Laune Road south of the apartments She stated that Daryl Farr had specifically <br />promIsed that at the time the project was approved by the City Council that there <br />would be no parking on Laurie Road by the apartment tenants, She asked If a fence <br />could not be put on the south property l1ne of the apartments so that there would not <br />be parkmg on Lam Ie Road She also stated that there had been no screening done on <br />the southeast corneT of the Rosedale Towels adjacent to her property, <br /> <br />Another resident on Lautle Road indicated that not only did the people park there. but <br />they drIve across the lawn closer to the building so that they can wash their ears or <br />unload theiT furniture, ete when they move in and out of the apartments 0 <br /> <br />Mr. Gr auel indicated he dldn' t like the idea of a fence He didn I t feel that it would <br />solve the problem of people parking on Laurie Road, <br /> <br />John Rlstene, 2209 ~lidlothian Road, indicated that he was not opposed to the tennis <br />courts He stated he had hoped there would be a little bit more screening on the south <br />portion of the apartment complex, but overall he felt it was a good development, <br />