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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/17/2007 3:32:09 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:13:46 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />-5- <br /> <br />1. A strip center of this type was ccnm:>n 20 to 30 years ago, but was <br />not being constructed n::J.N 0 <br /> <br />2. The property is too shallow to allow the necessary access and width <br />of parking 0 <br /> <br />3. 'The square footage of the building requires 138 spaces and only l29 parking <br />spaces being provided 0 <br /> <br />40 "Ihe parking spaces itself are only 8 feet in width <br /> <br />5. It is poor design to ha\ie such a long line of interim parking in front <br />of a buildingo <br /> <br />Mr. David Blankenshipf 1728 LindS'J asked what the height of the building was going to <br />be ff if there was going to be 0'0 '".':C:fLde nusic, and whether or not the air conditioning units <br />that were proposed for the roor IWioold be constructed in such a manner that the usual noise <br />and vibration erninating fran them would be deflected and not heard in the residential <br />neighborhocd to the rear > <br /> <br />Mrs. Peter Jankauskas, 1776 LindYf indicated that with the loading doors at the rear <br />there would be obnoxious noises generatl::ed at all hours of the day, just as there is at <br />the present t.ima at Robert Paul TV. <br /> <br />Mr' 0 Herbert Leier f 1767 Lindy f presented a letter to the Canmission indicating his <br />opposi tion due to lack of traffic control on Lexington, the increase in noise and the <br />possibility of late operating hours 0 <br /> <br />Mrs. David Blakenship, 1728 Lindy, read am presented a letter to the Carmission indicat- <br />ing their and other neighbors opposi Hon to the project due to the following reasons: <br /> <br />I. EKcessi ve noise caning from the auto repair center. <br />2. Traffic congestion in the areao <br />30 High intense lighting normally used by a shopping center of this type. <br />40 "Ihe visual impact on the neighborhood to the rear. <br />50 'Ihe level of rnanagerrent being provided at Iexington Plaza. <br />60 "Ihe need for a business on the west side of the road when there are at <br />least two vacant business spaces in an existing Paster Center on the east <br />side of the roado '!he let.ter went on to indicate that in their opinion <br />a B-3 zone should never be allaNEd to be placed to the rear of a single family <br />zone property. '!he letter concluded by saying that if a financial institution <br />or medical office building such as those also found on Lexington Avenue were <br />to go on this site, the concerns of the citizens would be greatly lessenedo <br /> <br />Paul Gatto, attorney representing Me 0 Paster q indicated that all i terrs that were talked <br />about by the ooncerned citizens are subject to canprcrnise, that they were willing to do <br />more with the aesthetics of both the front and the rear building, that they would land- <br />scape with whatever was needed q both front. and back, and would take every effort to conceal <br />things such as power lines to alleviate the concerns of the citizens 0 <br /> <br />Recamrendation <br /> <br />Mr. ~avina roved am Me 0 Kellett seoomed, that the Conmission recarnrend denial of <br />Paster Enterprises request for rezoning from B-2 to B-3, special use permit and <br />
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