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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/17/2007 3:32:10 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:13:50 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Planning Commission
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<br />Mrs. Dressler asked it .1e applicant intended to constL._t a variety of duplexes <br />on the site rather than one single Irodel. <br /> <br />Mr'. Parranto indicated that was their intent. <br /> <br />Mr'. V. Johnson asked the applicant if it was their intent to preserve the trees <br />located on the northeast corner of the site. <br /> <br />Mr'. Parranto stated that the economics and aesthetics of the trees were of value <br />to the site and as many as possible would be maintained. <br /> <br />Mr'. Paul Victeen, 2887 Wheeler, submitted a letter to the Carmission requesting that <br />the rezoning be denied. <br /> <br />Mr'. V. Johnson stated that after reviewing Mr'. Videeit's letter, it would appear <br />that his main points were: a) to call attention to the fact that the lot sizes of <br />10,150 feet were less than the city's minimum; b) to ask that the 30' setback be <br />maintained; c) to seek assurances that the duck pond located on the northeast corner <br />would be maintained; d) to have assurances that the lots located on C-2 remain R-l. <br /> <br />Chuck Carrier, 1805 County Road C, stated that the trees in the area were unique <br />and should, by all means, be preserved. He asked haw the applicant proposed to <br />maintain the pond and avoid elimination of the trees. <br /> <br />Mr. Parranto stated that actually only a few feet of the pond was contained in the <br />plot with the majority of the pond included in city park land. <br /> <br />Mr'. Dahlgren pointed out that Mr'. Parranto was correct and statErl. that with the proper <br />design of the hares, the slopes and pond could be maintained. <br /> <br />Mr'. Richard Cane, 1753 Maple Lane, asked how the city was proposing to handle the <br />storm water fran the developrrent. <br /> <br />Mr'. Honchell stated that a stonn sewer system with catch basins would be constructed <br />along Kathryn Lane to control the water. <br /> <br />Mr's. Woodcock, 1741 Millwood Avenue, stated that there was a neErl. for additional <br />water in the pond and asked if it would be possible to have the runoff water channeled <br />into the pond. <br /> <br />Mr'. Honchell stated that it was not the Engineering Depa.rt:Irent' s plans to charD.'lel <br />the water in this direction but that her suggestion would be considered. <br /> <br />Dean Maschka, 1695 Millwcxx1, asked what was the proposed size of the duplexes. <br /> <br />Mark Parranto stated that several plans were proposed with building sizes between <br />960 square feet to two-story structures of approximately 2,000 square feet per unit. <br /> <br />Mr'. Gordon, 1695 County Road C-2, asked what was the minimum size duplex the city <br />ordnance permitted. <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren stated that the ordinance did not speak specifically to duplex size <br />but did indicate that the minimum size of a single-family hare was 960 square feet. <br /> <br />Dean Maschka, 1695 Millwood, stated he was chairman of the Fairvia.r Heights Ibrre <br /><Mners Association and that the Heme Otmers Association wished to go on record <br />opposing the rezoning. <br />
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