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<br />-5- <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren inquired if the ponding area on the northeast comer of the property <br />intruded within 50 feet of the shoreline. <br /> <br />Mr. Van Wormer indicated there would probably be SOlIe changes in the grading because <br />the final oontours had not yet been developed. <br /> <br />Mr. Henry Blonberg indicated that he would like to see IIDre flexibility regarding <br />the use of the shoreline. He stated that he has been going to the site for rrost of <br />his life and felt many of the trees are no IIDre than weeds. He suggested it might be <br />better to landsca~ the shoreline so that people could use it and enjoy it. <br /> <br />Fecormendation <br /> <br />Mr. Rukavina roved and Mrs. Cushing seconded, that the Comnission recorrrrend approval <br />of Zi.Itm=rman Fealty and Watersedge Building Partnership request for special use pennit, <br />variance to the 300 foot parking distance requirem=nt, variance to shoreline setback <br />and approval of shoreline development permit at 1500 County Road B-2 with the fo11<M- <br />ing conditions: <br /> <br />1. '!hat no building or disruption of lakesho:re shall occur wi thin 50 feet <br />of the lake and if the applicant proposes to disrupt the shoreline within <br />the 50 feet, a revised plan shall be submitted at the August 13, Council <br />hearing. <br /> <br />2. '!hat the applicant provide a detailed plan of the materials and color of <br />the exterior of the building at the August 13, City Council rceeting hearing. <br /> <br />3. That a traffic control study be made and if controls are required, that the <br />applicant pay their fair share of the cost. <br /> <br />Roll Call, Ayes: CUshing, Dressler, Rukavina and Mastel. Nays: SiIIDns. <br /> <br />Mr. Sirrons indicated that he voted against the proposal because he didn't feel the <br />Corrmission had enough infonnation to determine if all of the sho~line should be <br />preserved or not. He felt there could potentially be value in having SOIre of the <br />shoreline made rrore usable for the people who will be working in the building. <br /> <br />Mr. Rukavina indicated he agreed with Mr. Sirrons to a certain extent, h<Mever, he <br />felt with the infomation the Corrmission had, that the 50 foot restriction should be <br />placed on the approval and if the applicant desires to do work wi thin that 50 feet <br />SOlIe time in the future, trey could apply for an anended special use permit. <br /> <br />Mr. Mastel indicated that there was a nesting area along the west shoreline of <br />Zintrerman Lake and that he would like to see the total shoreline preserved. He <br />stated that if the applicant decides to make changes in the future, he could request <br />an anended special use permi. t. <br /> <br />Conprehensive Deve10prcalt Plan <br /> <br />Mr. Dahlgren presented the Conmission a IIemJ dated August 1, 1979, which contains <br />several arrendIrents to the proposed Conprehensi ve Deve10prrent Plan, Part II. '!he <br />Corrmission accepted these arrendrrents and they will be incorporated in the proposed <br />Conprehensive Development Plan. <br /> <br />Mr. Rukavina M:>ved and Mrs. CUshing Seconded, that the Comnission conduct a public <br />hearing at the Septercber 5, 1979 rceeting to consider and approve the Rosevi11e Com- <br />prehensive Development Plan. Roll Call, Ayes: SiIrons, Cushing, Dressler, Rukavina <br />and Mastel. Nays: None. <br />