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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:34:19 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:55:48 AM
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Planning Commission
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City of Roseville Planning Commission Minutes <br />Wednesday, June 8, 1994 <br />MINUTES <br />would need to be moved off the site in order to construct this project. These homes are <br />1940s to early 1950s homes. <br />Member Harms asked for a line-of-site drawing from the residents' areas east of the <br />project on Dellwood looking at the new project. <br />Tom Olson, representing the Episcopal Church Home, provided background on the <br />Episcopal home projects in Minneapolis (Becketwood) and St. Paul (Iris Park Commons). <br />Member Rengel asked if the project was under-parked in comparison to other projects. <br />Olson responded that the parking in many senior projects is too expansive. Approximately <br />25 spaces would be used by the residents of the 71-unit building. Member Rengel asked <br />how the project would be marketed to the appropriate renters. Olson responded the <br />renters typically will be between ages 79 and 83. Member Rengel asked for a parking <br />flexibility study to understand how additional parking spaces could be created, if needed, <br />on the site. Member Thomas asked how buffers could be created with the properties to <br />the east. Mr. Olson responded that the residents to the east will find the project to be a <br />good neighbor and that the residents in the senior home will use the library to the largest <br />extent. Member Wall asked for details regarding access to the Library. Mr. Olson <br />responded that the project plan is to place parking and sidewalks in front of the building as <br />a buffer from the residents and to allow the building to set farther from Hamline Avenue. <br />Many of the major trees will be retained on the site. Sidewalks may be needed from the <br />proposal to the library. <br />Chairman Wietecki asked the developers to meet with the neighbors on Dellwood. <br />Member Harms asked that neighborhood meetings be held prior to returning to the <br />Planning Commission for formal reviews. <br />Chairman Wietecki asked about the exterior quality of the building and the need for <br />additional parking studies with the staff. <br />Member Sandstrom asked if a conservation easement could be purchased from property <br />owners to the east and planted as a buffer. He asked that the homes east of the project be <br />placed on the site plan for the entire project. <br />Member Roberts asked that the drawings of the building be shown in the three-seasons of <br />the year. Roberts asked for an explanation why 3 stories was necessary. Mr. Olson <br />responded that it is the most efficient configuration of a senior housing project. Member <br />13 <br />
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