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7/17/2007 3:34:19 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:55:48 AM
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Planning Commission
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City of Roseville Planning Commission Minutes <br />Wednesday, June 8, 1994 <br />MINUTES <br />housing site to establish all uses on the site. He said that traffic from the development will <br />require 50 to 60 underground spaces. The average age of the residents will be 70-72 <br />years. The project will include community rooms but not full kitchens other than within <br />the units. The apartments will have pull cords, annunciators, hand rails, and elevators. <br />There will be 16 guest parking spaces, plus 8 surface stalls adjoining the building. He <br />estimates that 1 traffic generation trip will be created by each unit, per day. <br />There will be deed restrictions and federal restrictions regarding the age of the residents <br />who must be more than 62 years of age. <br />Chairman Wietecki asked if the church had thought of moving the rectory to allow for <br />realignment of the project and parking along the north side of the project. <br />Member Sandstrom asked about buffers along the south side and the pond in the south <br />side area. Pinkerton responded that the neighbors do not want a pond near the residential <br />area and that he would explore a site closer to Fairview. <br />Member Rengel asked if the parking was for the senior housing and how the city could be <br />assured that the housing will remain senior housing. Pinkerton reiterated the federal and <br />state requirements as well as a residential board of review. He also stated that there will <br />be a covenant on the site. Rengel asked for additional details regarding the number of <br />guests stalls and how the property would be sub-divided, as well as the setbacks from <br />Fairview (65 feet) and from County Road B (55 feet). <br />Member Wall asked how the property on the south side of the project would be used as <br />open space by the tenants. Could it be used for gardens, picnic areas, etc. He also asked <br />if parking from the west would create headlight problems within the apartment units. <br />Pinkerton responded that screening will be necessary the units. <br />Member Sandstrom stated that additional parking by the church on the north side of the <br />rectory should be part of the Planned Unit Development. <br />Chairman Wietecki stated that the church should understand that there will be Planned <br />Unit Developments that require the church to comply with the regulations. <br />Member Thomas asked for clarification regarding the visitor entrances and the setbacks <br />from traffic lights. <br />Member Harms asked for details regarding sidewalk on County Road B and Fairview <br />Avenue, and the access to the senior center via sidewalks. <br />15 <br />
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