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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/17/2007 3:34:20 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:55:50 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Planning Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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<br />Member Rengel asked for colored renderings, an entire site plan for the PUD, and the <br />density of the units within the 4.25 acres (14 units per acre). Member Rengel asked if the <br />open space requirements had been met. Michael Falk responded that 50 percent of the <br />4.25 acres would be green space. Member Rengel asked if the south area would be used <br />primarily as a buffer ITom the residential area. The staff responded it would. <br /> <br />Member Thomas asked Rick Jopke to explain the tax consequences of a project on this <br />site. Mr. Jopke responded that the project will be a taxable project. <br /> <br />Member Roberts asked for clarification and evidence of sources for senior parking at a <br />reduced rate in comparison to apartment units. Chairman Wietecki asked for a <br />comparison of a regular apartment requirement for parking in comparison to senior <br />parking. (The staff responded 120 spaces would be necessary if the building was a regular <br />apartment building; whereas, 72 spaces are provided as a senior building.) <br /> <br />Jeff Huggett, representing the developer, stated that the site was a good site for seniors <br />because of the close proximity of parks, shopping, senior centers, churches and schools. <br />He noted that meetings had been held with the neighbors. The design of the building had <br />changed to move to the north and had reduced concerns about ponding, children, schools, <br />and traffic. He estimated that each senior unit may be expected to add one traffic trip per <br />day, per unit. <br /> <br />Chairman Keith Wietecki asked Mr. Huggett to clarifY that the PUD for the entire site <br />would include the rectory, the church, school, future church parking, as well as the senior <br />housing project. He noted that any amendment on the site would require further hearings <br />and approvals by the City. <br /> <br />John Rich, architect for the senior housing project, described the housing project <br />architecture in detail. <br /> <br />Member Thomas asked if the siding would be maintenance-ITee. The architect responded <br />the siding would be either vinyl or metal siding, and that venting on the roof would be <br />clustered into groups of exhaust pipes. He noted there would be no mechanical equipment <br />on the exterior except for a small air conditioning unit adjacent to the commqn area. All <br />other mechanical equipment will be in the basement of the building. <br /> <br />Member Rengel asked if the north side of the building could be built with underground <br />parking instead of slab construction. The architect responded that the purpose of the slab <br />construction is to reduce overall costs and the project simply does not need the additional <br />parking. Member Rengel asked if the pond will be supported with water. The architect <br />responded it would be and is considered an amenity. <br /> <br />Member Rengel asked if the colors of the materials were available and that the <br /> <br />4 <br />
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