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7/17/2007 3:34:32 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:56:02 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />City of Roseville <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />July 12, 1995 <br /> <br />Member Rhody asked what the definition of a hardship was. City Planner Falk said that <br />hardship is defined in state statutes as being some unusual condition not created by the <br />applicant; such as, lot shape, topography, etc. and would not include economic hardship. <br /> <br />Member Sandstrom asked if this request was considered under the new or the old <br />Shoreline Management regulations, and whether or not the Department of Natural <br />Resources had been notified. City Planner Falk indicated that it comes under the new <br />ordinance, and that DNR has been notified. <br /> <br />Dan Oren, 2719 43rd Avenue South, #2B, formerly of367 South Owasso Boulevard, <br />stated that there was no bait and switch in this case and that he carefully presented and <br />communicated his plans to city staff. Mr. Oren pointed out the substandard nature of the <br />previous dwelling including faulty wiring, leaky windows, and no interior connection to <br />the basement. Mr. Oren stated his hardship was the time and design with an architect and <br />the difficulties of a narrow, tight lot. Mr. Oren added that they worked carefully with <br />such site considerations as sun angles, tree locations, and neighbor's window locations to <br />come up with the present design. <br /> <br />Jim Hale, representative and son of Mrs. Cederholm (the adjacent neighbor at 365 <br />Owasso Boulevard South) stated that they did not object to the original remodeling, but <br />now object to the new plan. Mr. Hale stated that Roseville should stand by its ordinances <br />and deny the variance. <br /> <br />David Johnson, attorney representing Brad Oren, 375 South Owasso Boulevard, stated <br />that his client objects to the variance because no hardship exists. Mr. Johnson stated that <br />the mistake by city staff does not constitute hardship, and that Dan Oren could build a <br />structure and meet the 75 foot setback requirement. Mr. Johnson further stated that the <br />proposed two-story structure, 37 feet from the lake, is not consistent with other structures <br />in the area which are set back 75 feet. Mr. Johnson concluded his comments by stating <br />that the structure would impact the view and fair market value of his client's site. <br /> <br />Brad Oren, 375 South Owasso Boulevard, stated that, while it was difficult to oppose his <br />brother's variance, it is necessary because 99 percent ofthe houses in the area are in line <br />and that the house is now gone so it would be no big deal to build a new house to meet <br />the ordinance requirements. <br /> <br />City of Roseville <br /> <br />11 <br />
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