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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:34:32 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:56:02 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />City of Roseville <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />July 12, 1995 <br /> <br />Mr. Falk pointed out that Mr. Oren chose not to move forward with this plan for <br />economic reasons and substituted a new plan which would involve demolishing the <br />existing structure and building a new house utilizing a portion of the existing footings and <br />foundations. The staff reviewed the new plans and concluded that the change was not <br />significant, and Mr. Oren was allowed to begin construction. City Planner Falk indicated <br />that, as soon as demolition of the cabin began, Mr. Oren's neighbors alerted the staffand <br />that the construction project was halted. A "stop work" order was issued based on an <br />interpretation of the Shoreline Code that if a legal non-conforming site is demolished, the <br />new setback requirements would have to be enforced. Michael Falk pointed out that the <br />staff had interpreted the code to allow reconstruction as long as the outside <br />walls/foundation remained. However, most of the walls and foundation were removed in <br />the demolition process. Mr. Falk pointed out that the city's legal counsel indicated that <br />the footings and foundation that are remaining do not constitute a structure, and that <br />either the plans had to be amended to meet the setback requirements or that a variance <br />would have to be granted by the city. <br /> <br />Mr. Falk pointed out that Mr. Oren has requested a 38 foot shoreline variance and a 5 foot <br />sideyard setback variance to allow the structure to be built at the same location as the <br />existing cabin. Mr. Oren's request is based on the unique shape and characteristics of the <br />property which is long and narrow with a slope for a walkout portion. Mr. Falk pointed <br />out that the applicant would also like to preserve existing mature trees on the site. <br /> <br />City Planner Falk pointed out that, in fact, 4 variances would be required. These <br />variances include variance to lot area requirements to have a lot less than 15,000 square <br />feet; a variance to the lot width to have a lot less 100 feet in width; variance to the 75 foot <br />setback from the lake; and a variance to the sideyard setback requirements to have a <br />setback less than 5 feet. <br /> <br />City Planner Falk concluded that the lot, while substandard is size and width, is a <br />buildable lot, and that denial of the variance to the lot size with requirements would deny <br />him reasonable use of the property which, therefore, would justify the granting of the lot <br />size and width variances. Mr. Falk further concluded that, because alternatives exist to <br />construct a dwelling on the site which would not require either the shoreline setback or <br />the sideyard setback variances, that a hardship does not exist to grant these variances. <br />Mr. Falk indicated that the staff recommendation would, therefore, be that the Planning <br />Commission recommend approval of the lot size and width variances, and denial of the <br />shoreline setback and sideyard setback variances. <br /> <br />10 <br />
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