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7/17/2007 3:34:34 PM
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12/15/2004 7:56:08 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />November 8, 1995 <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />(c) <br /> <br />Plannini: File 2794: Khuyen Nguyen/Vietnamese Buddhist Association request <br />for a variance to the zoning ordinance to allow the expansion of the existing <br />facility at 475 Minnesota Avenue. <br /> <br />Chairman Keith Wietecki opened the public hearing and asked Michael Falk to provide a <br />background report regarding the variance request and illustrate the location. Michael <br />Falk provided a video tape explanation of the site and surroundings. He noted the site is <br />zoned R -1 and the church is a permitted use with setbacks of 30 feet from any residential <br />property. The current building is located 10 feet from the west property line, 82 feet from <br />the north property line. The proposal would allow for a 15 foot setback from the north <br />property line and a 10 foot setback from the west property line. The proposed use of the <br />building would be for a educational wing and living quarters for visiting monks with an <br />enclosed courtyard for meditation. <br /> <br />Construction would occur in the spring of 1996. There are engineering issues that will <br />need to be resolved with the building permit. <br /> <br />Michael Falk read a letter from the Concordia Meadows regarding issues adjacent to the <br />site, including the request by the Concordia Meadows Homeowners Association to have <br />fencing and landscaping and to protect a pond which is considered a potential safety <br />hazard from the Vietnamese children who visit the site during the weekend. The pond <br />was not supposed to hold water. City Engineers have noted that by regrading, no water <br />would stand in the pond. Falk also noted that there has been support from the neighbors <br />to the north (Westby). <br /> <br />The staff recommended approval of this variance request. <br /> <br />Member Cunningham asked for clarification regarding the service road for the garage. <br />Michael Falk explained that the Vietnamese Buddhist Association hopes to retain the <br />access road for materials and service vehicles. There will be an access door on the west <br />side of the building. <br /> <br />Chairman Wietecki asked who owned the service road. Falk explained that the Temple <br />has a 12 foot easement over Concordia property for this purpose. Chairman Wietecki <br />asked if the mess and materials behind the Temple, seen in the video tape, would be <br />stored within the new structure. He asked if the building would be brick. <br /> <br />Member Wall entered the meeting. <br /> <br />Member Thein asked ifthe Buddhist's have been on this site before the Concordia <br />Meadows townhouse project. (Yes) He also asked if children had been on the site prior <br />to the townhome association. (Yes). <br /> <br />Member Rhody explained that the pond was supposed to be a dry pond, emptying out its <br />stormwater within 6 hours. <br /> <br />4 <br />
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