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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:35:41 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 7:56:48 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Planning Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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<br />Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning from R-1 Single Family Residential (4 units per acre) to PUD with R-6 <br />Townhouse District (up to 18 units per acre) being the underlying zoning for the property. He indicated the purpose of <br />appearing before the Planning Commission at this time was to receive their input. <br /> <br />Bud Batterson, Linnise Development Corporation, reviewed the preliminary site plan for the town homes, indicated that 1) <br />the site was 196' x 134',2) the site served well as a transition between business and residential uses; 3) the proposal was <br />for nine foot prints with 11 town home units; 4) the units would be two story, with one ingress/egress on to Burke; 5) a <br />neighborhood meeting was held to ascertain concerns of the neighbors; and 6) the units would each sell for $160,000- <br />$240,000 and would be between 1,150 and 1.750 square feet. <br /> <br />Ron Brenner, architect for the proposal, highlighted the design of the town homes, landscaping and setbacks. <br /> <br />Member Wilke suggested along the west property line the town homes should be at least 13 to 20 feet from the single <br />family home on the adjoining lot. He also expressed concern about lack of guest parking. <br /> <br />Member Rhody liked limiting the ingress/egress and tucking the cars behind and out of sight. <br /> <br />Member Mulder stated it was too dense for the area and suggested a maximum of seven units on the site. <br /> <br />Member Olson also expressed concern about the density and the setbacks and suggested more buffer space. <br /> <br />Chair Klausing stated there was too much in too small an area, more open space was needed, needs more extensive <br />setbacks, and that he liked the design but that it may be more appropriate on another site. <br /> <br />Member Egli suggested placing the retention pond on the southeast corner to open up the buffer area and was pleased <br />with the design on the Hamline Avenue side. <br /> <br />Chair Klausing also expressed support for the Hamline Avenue portion of the design and complemented the applicant on <br />the thorough submissions for Commission consideration. <br /> <br />Randy Niebrasch, 1276 Aldridge, asked to speak on behalf of the neighbors in the area. He stated there were twice the <br />number of units the lot could support, the buildings were too massive and tall, the buildings were too close to the street, <br />there was insufficient guest parking, not enough open space and perhaps this dense of a development would be more <br />appropriate on County Road Band Hamline. <br /> <br />7c. Review: Seasonal Sales Ordinance Amendment <br /> <br />Thomas Paschke submitted the proposed ordinance, advised the staff would be refining the ordinance which would then <br />be on an agenda for public hearing. <br /> <br />8. Information, Reports and Other Business <br /> <br />Thomas Paschke gave a brief overview of the status of: Ethics Workshop, EPA Grant and Twin Lakes Plans, Livable <br />Communities, Sunrise Senior Housing and Park Zoning concepts. <br /> <br />9. Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. <br /> <br />Return to Planning Commission <br />
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