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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:35:50 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 8:03:55 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />David Carland, Vice President CSM, explained the proposal, noting that CSM also owns the adjacent Residence Inn. <br />Veritas has pre-negotiated to reserve rooms. Marriott Courtyard is a first class hotel for business users. He explained the <br />site plan and the shared spillover parking with adjacent Veritas Building 1. Elevations of the Hotel were described. <br /> <br />Member Rhody explained that his firm does work for CSM's Consultant, RLK, and noted that his firm may run some <br />copies. It is not a major financial issue. He has found that this relationship will not impair his judgment on the issue. The <br />Planning Commission agreed with Member Rhody. <br /> <br />Chair Klausing asked why the change in circumstances. Kent Carlson explained the original buildings on the south side <br />were office showroom buildings. The change to Veritas has created a demand for a business class restaurant. The hotel <br />site was first considered as an office site. <br /> <br />Member Wilke asked about the added value generated in the community. <br /> <br />Member Cunningham asked for Veritas plans - a total of four buildings in the Business Park. <br /> <br />John Zavada, Ramada Inn General Manager, stated that the 40 jobs will be a break even, a loss at one hotel is a gain at <br />another. He stated that the Roseville Visitor's Association (RVA) has figures for occupancy. In 1999 the revenue dropped <br />4% in Roseville. Why is there no restaurant in the Business Park? <br /> <br />He suggested traffic has increased dramatically. There is more traffic at later hours; more disruption of the communities. <br />He explained hotel operations within the City. Mr. Savada explained that the CSM multi-brand hotels sends customers out <br />of the community. <br /> <br />Mary Reed, Brenner Avenue, explained the history of approval for previous projects. The hotel will generate more traffic. <br />Why one more hotel? There are other hotels in the area. <br /> <br />Lynn Shurrer, North Wilder, asked if there was a variance needed for Veritas.(No variance necessary). The 619,000 s.t. <br />was greater than the original plan. It gets more dense each time a proposal comes forth. <br /> <br />Member Mulder asked if there was a plan (as per previous comments) to change/buy the car dealers along the west side <br />of 1-35W? (no). Member Mulder said that PUD plans change with time. This change makes sense. It is not what was <br />originally expected, but is a reasonable response. <br /> <br />Member Wilke asked for details regarding traffic and stop light improvements. <br /> <br />Chair Klausing stated that fiscal impacts were not an issue to be addressed. The community health, safety and welfare <br />and consistency are important. Chair Klausing closed the hearing. <br /> <br />Motion: Member Rhody moved, Member Mulder seconded, to recommend approval of the amendment to PUD #1177 for <br />Centre Pointe Business Park in accordance with the findings and standards set forth in the project report dated May 10, <br />2000. <br /> <br />Ayes: 7 <br /> <br />Nays: 0 <br /> <br />Gg. Planning File 3189: A request by James Trapp for a Sketch Plan Review for the redevelopment of property located at <br />2211 County Road C-2. The proposal would create a 37,000 square foot multiple tenant structure. <br /> <br />Thomas Paschke explained the sketch plan process and the reasons for the project planning at this time. <br /> <br />Richard Fischer, architect representing owner James Trapp, explained the proposal for the site. The plan is to tear down <br />metal buildings and replace with new buildings of 25-27,000 s.f.. The buildings will be decorative Fabcon tip-up panel <br />construction. A showroom area for vans will be necessary. He explained that the site plan must change to move building <br />area out from the NSP easements. Rice Creek Watershed District will review the site as well (4.2 acres). <br /> <br />Member Mulder asked if there are any brownfields on the site (possibly two sites). <br /> <br />Member Wilke asked for details on the original interim use permit (Boater's Marine Outlet). <br />
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