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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:35:58 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 8:04:01 AM
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Planning Commission
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<br />supportive. He explained the requested corner setback and the driveway setback. The structure was constructed in <br />1955 before the adoption of the City Code. There is an identified hardship, not created by the owner; an <br />accessibility issue within the narrow garage; the storage space is not adequate. Staff recommended a variance to <br />allow a garage expansion of five feet toward (east) Fairview Avenue, with little impact on health, safety and welfare. <br /> <br />Member Olson asked if there was public comment (one positive response). She asked for details of the traffic and <br />right-of-ways. Deb Bloom explained sight lines, impacts on future right-of-way, safety, pathway construction on <br />Fairview Avenue and trees. <br /> <br />Chair Rhody asked Thomas Paschke to explain what options are available for a two-car garage. <br /> <br />Thomas Paschke suggested using the Housing Resource Center for further information on options. <br /> <br />Member Duncan asked if Lundells had agreed to the five-foot setback (yes). <br /> <br />No further public comment was offered; Chair Rhody closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />Member Olson suggested that the five-foot doesn't really provide much benefit. <br /> <br />Member Cunningham asked if there would be a rear yard setback issue (no). <br /> <br />Member Duncan asked for clarification on the music room setback (30 feet). <br /> <br />Member Olson asked for details on the lot coverage (less than 30% requirement). <br /> <br />Motion: Member Rhody moved, second by Member Cunningham to offer Resolution No.3288 recommending <br />approval with modifications, based on findings as stated in the project report dated February 14, 2001 for <br />the request by Brad and Randi Lundell, 1828 Ryan Avenue, for the following variances: <br /> <br />A. A 20 foot variance from Sections 1004.02D4 (Dwelling Dimensions and Appearances and Height, Frontage, <br />Yard, and Lot area Requirements in R-1 Districts) for the pre-existing non-conforming principal structure <br />allowing future structural improvements to a line 10 feet from the Fairview Avenue (east) property line near <br />Fairview Avenue; and <br />B. A 25 foot variance from Section 1004.02D4 (Dwelling Dimensions and Appearances and Height, Frontage, <br />Yard, and Lot area Requirements in R-1 Districts) allowing a five foot addition onto the pre-existing non- <br />conforming side wall of the attached garage bringing the structure to a line five feet from the east property <br />line near Fairview Avenue; and <br />C. A 23 foot variance from Section 703.04B4 (driveway setback from street right-of-way) allowing the pre- <br />existing non-conforming driveway to remain in its current location, seven feet from the east property line, <br />near Fairview Avenue. <br /> <br />Said recommended approvals shall have the following conditions: <br />1. The overall dimension of the attached garage shall be limited to a maximum width of 17 feet or an eastward <br />addition of five feet in garage width. <br />2. The proposed garage addition shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the east (Fairview corner street <br />side) property line. <br />3. Any addition to the home or garage (southerly direction) shall not be located closer than pre-existing setback <br />of 10 feet from the east property. <br />4. All roof drainage created by the addition and existing attached garage must be collected in gutters and <br />channeled to the natural drainage way for the applicant's property (east). <br /> <br />Ayes: 5, Rhody, Olson, Duncan, Cunningham, Mulder <br /> <br />Nays: 0 <br /> <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />This request will be forwarded to the Roseville City Council for action on March 12, 2001. <br /> <br />Member Mulder asked for clarification as to how any city action may be considered differently for those hardships <br />created by previous owners. New owners inherit the problem when they buy the house. The chimney issue should <br />
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