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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Planning Commission
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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:36:08 PM
Creation date
12/15/2004 8:04:19 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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<br />into two lots and rezoned from the current designation of 1-1 , Light Industrial to Planned Unit Development with an <br />underlying zoning of 1-1, Light Industrial. <br /> <br />Based on the proposal by Mr. Casci, he would own both lots and would lease the northern lot to Abra Auto Body & <br />Glass. The area lies adjacent to County Road C, which is slated for reconstruction beginning this year and <br />continuing through 2004. <br /> <br />The 1.9 acre Abra Body and Glass site will consist of a 17,950 square foot structure located on the front <br />(northwest) portion of the lot. Ten parking spaces will be provided at the front (north) for customers along with a <br />vehicle access into the structure. Additionally, the Abra site development proposes 50 parking spaces along the <br />east side of the lot and 48 spaces behind the structure and within a fenced enclosure. There are also vehicle <br />access points into the structure along the east and south sides of the building. <br /> <br />Access to the site will initially be from County Road C. In the future, a frontage road will be constructed as part of <br />the County Road C reconstruction project between the subject parcel and the railroad right-of-way, which will direct <br />vehicular traffic to the new Prior Street intersection with County Road C, which may eventually be signalized. <br /> <br />The .76 acre Casci development will consist of an approximate 7,200 square foot single story structure located at <br />the rear of the subject site. Access to the lot will be via a perpetual shared access easement over the Abra parcel <br />that connects to the public frontage road. Because the Casci parcel does not have direct access to a public street <br />the City will require that a shared access easement be created affording perpetual vehicular access within the <br />proposed drive lane to the rear parcel. <br /> <br />Parking for the office/warehouse facility is provided along the east side of the site, which will be the front entry to <br />the building. Trucks will access along the same drive lane, but their access to the structure is on the west side of <br />the building, which will require the trucks to drive in for loading and unloading. The site may be over parked and <br />could have reduced parking. Member Traynor asked if this plan is actually ready to proceed. <br /> <br />The proposed redevelopment project will be staged with the Casci building being constructed first allowing the <br />existing facility to keep operating. Upon completion of the new building, the existing structures will be razed and the <br />remaining site work completed and construction of the Abra facility undertaken. The new Casci building will carry <br />the same architectural themes, but not necessarily the same materials. <br /> <br />Member Mulder asked for explanation of required vs proposed spaces (page 4, #7.2). Approximately 41 spaces are <br />required with over 123 proposed. <br /> <br />Member Ipsen asked how determination is made for each parcel's parking in a PUD. Thomas Paschke explained <br />the process. <br /> <br />Chair Duncan asked if there is enough finality with parking to require a continuance. <br /> <br />Member Traynor asked for clarifications as to the conditions in Section 7. <br /> <br />Member Stone asked what percent impervious surface currently was on the site (not any). In 7.12, what is the <br />Public Works reviewing? (grading and utilities) <br /> <br />Chair Duncan asked when the report was prepared. <br /> <br />Member Stone asked in Section 7.10, where the HVAC will be placed to be screened. (Thomas Paschke explained <br />the plan is not available at this time, but this is not untypical of a project.) <br /> <br />Member Mulder asked for details regarding air handling and paint booth exhausts (Dennis Welsch responded that <br />there are Federal and State air quality standards that must be followed). <br /> <br />Thomas Paschke explained the conditions in Section 7.1,7.4 through 7.18 would be included in the PUD approval. <br /> <br />Ron Fiscus, Planscape, representing ABRA and Casci, stated that the developer is in agreement with the staff <br />report except for parking needs. ABRA has experienced a need for numerous vehicles all at one time (peak). <br />ABRA tries to keep peak vehicle spaces in the lot, not on the street. Roseville's parking requirements are very low <br />for this type of use. ABRA believes 108 spaces are adequate for their needs. The pervious pavers do not work well <br />in Minnesota because the grass burns out. The cross-parking easement will add up to 12 spaces for use by Casci. <br />The right-of-way will be dedicated for the new frontage road if treated fairly. <br /> <br />The staff recommended approval by the Planning Commission contingent upon compliance of suggested <br />conditions as indicated in the project report of March 5, 2003. <br /> <br />There was no public comment. Chair Duncan closed the hearing. <br />
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