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Planning Commission
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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:36:17 PM
Creation date
1/6/2005 3:26:10 PM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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<br />space? <br /> <br />Member Traynor asked if parking can be placed underground or in ramps? Some discussions have been held. <br />Aaron Isaacs explained that Metro Transit would provide funds for 500 additional spaces in a ramp. <br /> <br />Chair Mulder requested the applicant presentation. <br /> <br />Rollin Hunsicker, Mall Manager, and John Schupp, Project Director, Jones Lang LaSalle managing agent for <br />Equitable, the in-line Mall owner, explained the Mall concepts. In 1992 a major renovation occurred. Recently <br />interior amenities were improved. This proposal allows more development on the old Mervyn/May building site. <br />This proposal is a blend of enclosed mall with large users and boutiques, but with exterior doors only to their <br />stores. This proposal allows the Mall to redo the Mervyns site. <br /> <br />John Schupp explained three major issues: transportation, transit and storm water. This project has 12 bus routes <br />at the Mall. The ULI standard for parking is 4.5 parking spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of retail space. The Mall has to <br />maintain the 4.5 spaces per its contracts, but is currently approaching 4.87 spaces/1 ,000 sq. ft. Storm water is a <br />big issue and must be resolved with surface and subsurface storage. He said the life style center is gaining <br />momentum in the industry. Some tenants will not be located in the Mall. Tenant mix is very important. <br /> <br />Member Traynor asked if other life style centers attached to malls. How does it work? John Schupp gave <br />examples: Woodlands Mall - Houston. (An earlier example was Jordan Creek, West DesMoines, Iowa.) <br /> <br />Chair Mulder asked for details of how the Mall might ease traffic on County Road B-2. Dave Adams (Parsons) <br />explained his projection and improvements in the plans. <br /> <br />Chair Mulder asked for details on transit. Is the transit hub a positive asset to the Mall? What is the percentage of <br />riders who use/shop the Mall? He feels the transit and park and ride will be needed more in the future. Are either <br />the Herbergers or Mervyns areas good for parking decks? A life style center requires visibility for customers from <br />the highway to recognize the store front. Ramps cannot block that visibility. <br /> <br />Member Traynor commented that he doubted there is enough parking to serve the life style center. <br /> <br />Member Doherty asked how many spaces are needed for the theater and are there enough spaces in the <br />Herberger lot? According to Parsons consultants, approximately 1,000 spaces will be needed for the theater (at <br />one space per three seats). Peak theater parking demand is 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Doherty notes the parking lot was at <br />capacity at mid-morning on November 26, 2004 (day after Thanksgiving). <br /> <br />John Schupp explained access between levels. <br /> <br />Member Doherty asked if the northeast and east lots will require pedestrian walking pathways to the theater. <br /> <br />Member Ipsen asked if the road could continue to be a two-way traffic pattern around the new expansion area. <br /> <br />Member Pust explained that if County Road B-2 is not fixed, customers will not come to the life style center. How <br />will the Center by supported? <br />Chair Mulder asked Deb Bloom to explain the issues. The staff perspective is different than Parsons consultants. <br />There is an existing traffic, but a significant issue with left turn and stacking problems. City needs to work with <br />Parsons on traffic issues with the city's consultant SEH. The county must approve a systemic change to their <br />system, and MnDOT must also be part of the solutions. Land and space between accesses is needed, and fewer <br />access intersections are needed (because of the stacking and left turns required at each). More land is needed to <br />solve this issue. The Rosedale Circulator routes must be expanded closer to B-2. There are issues for 2020 as <br />well. <br /> <br />Chair Mulder asked if it was prudent to do this without a vision for County Road B-2's future. Deb Bloom suggested <br />that parking requirements should be studied. Thomas Paschke explained the 4.5 spaces may be acceptable with <br />transit and mixed use/mixed time parking, but no detailed work has been submitted by the mall consultants to date. <br /> <br />Chair Mulder asked how the snow removal will be handled - no parking space can be left to store snow. (Rosedale <br />will install a snow melting machine.) <br /> <br />Aaron Isaacs, Metro Transit, explained the excellent compatibility of park and ride (days) and movie theaters <br />(evenings). <br /> <br />Member Pust asked if decks are not accepted (at least in this early stage), would County Road B-2 still be <br />improved (needs work)? <br /> <br />There being no further public comment, Chairman Mulder closed the hearing and explained the "Concept PUD" <br />
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