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Last modified
3/22/2010 3:55:16 PM
Creation date
6/21/2005 12:02:03 PM
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Public Works Commission
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<br />shelter itself. There would have to be a sidewalk access to the shelter, <br />which would make the slab larger. Duane Schwartz said the <br />measurements are only for the shelter itself and wouldn't limit the <br />sidewalk. <br /> <br />Duane Schwartz presented two comments received in the Engineering <br />office. One was in favor of the shelters, and one just had a question. <br /> <br />Eli Sagor, 3030 Woodbridge Street, thanked the Commission for the job <br />they were doing and said he appreciated being notified of the meeting. He <br />said he is a transit rider several days a week and thinks it is an important <br />part of the city and is pleased to see the proposal to add the transit shelters. <br />He went on to say that he sometimes feels bombarded by advertisement <br />and doesn't like it. He would hope that in the near future the City could <br />provide the shelters without advertising. <br /> <br />Member Wilke asked Connie Barry of Transtop Inc. to give them an <br />overview of what the advertising standards are for the shelters. She <br />explained that the advertising revenue supports the whole process, and <br />without it the shelters wouldn't exist. She said they do not put shelters in <br />front of private residences. Duane Schwartz said there are standards for <br />the advertising in the city ordinance. <br /> <br />Kevin Mules, 2646 Hamline A venue, said that he lives on the NE corner <br />of County Road C and Hamline and there is a proposed shelter on that <br />corner right in front of his home. He also suggested instead of advertising <br />putting up notices of city events or school activities. <br /> <br />As there were no more public comments, the Commission began <br />discussing individual shelter sites. <br /> <br />Currently, there are Metro Transit shelters in Roseville, which have a <br />different design that Transtop's would have. Member Wilke thought it <br />would look better if all shelters in the city were the same. Schwartz said <br />we could ask Metro Transit if the city logo could be put on their shelters <br />so that would match the new shelters. <br /> <br />Member Willenbring said he drove by each site before the meeting and <br />didn't think there would be any construction problems for any of the sites. <br />Most are by existing bus benches. <br /> <br />Member Rossini wanted affirmation that there would be trash receptacles <br />at each transit shelter. Connie Barry said there would be. <br /> <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />
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