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<br />1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br /> <br />Suspension or Revision of Bv-Iaws <br /> <br />These by-laws may be revised or suspended only with the approval by voice vote or in <br />writing by a majority of the members of the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />Conflict ofInterest <br /> <br />Each member shall be responsible for identifying his/her own conflicts of interest, which <br />may occur during the review of a specific project or program. <br /> <br />A conflict of interest shall be defined as a personal or financial relationship held by a <br />member which may unduly or unfairly influence the member's discussion, judgment, or decision <br />making or the member's personal or financial relationship which may directly cause the member <br />to gain or increase in value or income because of her/his Planning Commission decision. <br /> <br />It shall be the responsibility of any member who identifies such a personal or financial <br />conflict to notify the Chair of such conflict and to voluntarily and temporarily step down from the <br />Commission proceedings and not take part in the discussion of this specific item. The member <br />may again be seated with the Commission upon conclusion of the discussion and/or after <br />decision on the item has been rendered by the Commission. <br /> <br />Any member, as a point of order, may request the Chair and Commission to discuss <br />potential conflict of interest issues relating to other members. (Roseville's Ethics Policy is <br />attached to the by-laws as Appendix L.) <br /> <br />Meetin2 Procedures <br /> <br />City Staff shall be responsible for the preparation and mailing of meeting agendas. City <br />Staff shall notify the Chair when a member has missed six of the monthly meetings. <br /> <br />The Chair shall conduct the meeting under normal procedures. Where a conflict or <br />question may arise as to procedure, "Robert's Rules of Order" shall guide procedure. <br /> <br />All public hearings held by the Planning Commission shall be recorded on audio and/or <br />videotape. These hearing recordings shall be stored in the official file of the meeting or attached <br />to the official minutes of the meeting. The tape recordings of the hearings may be eliminated <br />from the official file after one year. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission may adopt appendices to the by-laws. The following <br />appendices are hereby adopted: <br /> <br />A. Conduct of a Public Hearing. <br />B. Public Hearing Procedure. (read by Chair prior to public hearings) <br />C. Definitions of Documents and Protocol Guidelines. <br />D. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Requests. <br /> <br />4 <br />