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<br />---DRAFT --- <br /> <br />What actions can citizens take? <br />Several groups identified actions that citizens can take to address housing-related issues. <br />Most suggestions center around becoming more involved in the areas of neighbor-to-neighbor <br />outreach, education, neighborhood monitoring and reporting, and city processes. <br /> <br />1. Get involved with Neighbor-to-Neighbor Outreach <br />. Serve as neighborhood ambassadors to new residents, offer to orient them to the City and <br />services offered to residents. <br />. Offer assistance to neighbors who seem to be having problems maintaining and keeping up <br />their properties, help them connect with programs designed to offer this type of assistance. <br />. Support youth projects to improve parks or provide assistance to the elderly <br /> <br />2. Support Education <br />. Assist in the development of Community Education Programs for new homeowners. <br />. Teach Community Education Programs <br />. Write articles for community publication (Roseville Wrap and Roseville Review) <br /> <br />3. Volunteer for Neighborhood Monitoring and Reporting <br />. Become more active in Crime Watch and the Block Caption network <br />. Report violations to the City <br /> <br />4. Engage in City Public Processes <br />. Participate in public meetings requesting input on development proposals <br />. Volunteer to be on citizen committees or advisory bodies <br />. Organize neighbors around critical issues <br /> <br />Section 3. Conclusion <br /> <br />The purpose of the series of RHRA Dialogues was to better understand community concerns <br />about housing issues and trends in RoseviIIe and the actions they would support to address <br />issues or change trends. From these community conversations and written feedback from <br />participants, the Center for Policy, Planning, and Performance has identified five critical issues <br />and options for responding. <br /> <br />1. Property maintenance and conservation of existing neighborhood aesthetics and character is <br />a high priority within the community. Single-family and multi-family property owners from <br />across the city consistently identified this issue as a priority value and concern. <br /> <br />Options for addressing this issues include: <br />. Enhanced Code enforcement supported by citizen-action programs <br />. A blend of financial programs that would meet the needs of several specific audiences <br />. Design Guidelines aimed at preserving and enhancing neighborhood" aesthetics" <br />. Increased City Communications about the City Code <br />. Education programs targeted for first-time homeowners and first-time RoseviIIe rental <br />property owners <br /> <br />Roseville RHRA Community Dialogue on Housing ---DRAFT --- <br />Prepared by the Center for Policy, Planning, and Performance <br /> <br />10 <br />