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<br />City of Roseville - Variance Board Minutes for September 1, 2004Page 1 of 4 <br />C C <br />ITYOUNCIL <br />City of Roseville <br />Variance Board Meeting <br />Wednesday, September 1, 2004 <br />1.Call to Order <br />Chair Bakeman called the meeting of the City of Roseville Variance Board to order at 5:00 PM, in the <br />Roseville Skating Center Fireside Room. <br />2.Roll Call <br />Present: Bakeman, Boerigter, Doherty <br />Absent: Mulder <br />Staff present: Thomas Paschke, Dennis Welsch <br />3.Approval of Minutes <br />The minutes of August 4, 2004 were tabled. <br />4.Public Hearings <br />a.Planning File 3593: Request by Michael Thienes, 284 McCarrons Boulevard South, for a 1 ½ <br />foot Variance to Section 1012.02B3 of the Roseville City Code to allow the installation of an 8 <br />foot tall fence in the rear yard. <br />Chair Bakeman opened the hearing and requested City Planner Thomas Paschke provide a verbal <br />summary of the project report dated 9/01/04. <br />Thomas Paschke advised that Mr. Thienes has submitted a proposal to install an 8 foot tall fence <br />around his deck and a portion of his rear yard to enclose a Japanese Garden he would like to install. <br />Section 1012.02B3 (Required Yards & Open Space – Side or Rear Yard Only) requires fences not <br />to exceed 6-1/2 feet in height. The proposal by Mr. Thienes seeks to fence an area 24 feet by 32 <br />feet, which area generally occupies the southwest corner of the parcel. Thomas Paschke explained <br />the grade change, sloping down from the neighbor’s property. <br />The Staff recommends approval of a 1-1/2 foot Variance to Section 1012.02B3 of the Roseville City <br />Code for Michael Thienes, 284 South McCarrons Boulevard, based on the findings in Section 5 of <br />the project report and contingent upon the applicant complying with the following conditions: <br />a.The fence not exceeding a height of 8 feet when measured from the existing grade to the top <br />of fence. <br />b.The fence being placed directly adjacent the rear of the home in (generally) the southwest <br />corner of the parcel and in a 24 foot - 32 foot - 24 foot (w/gate) configuration, which <br />surrounds a deck and Japanese garden. <br />c.The fence being a board-on-board design as per the submitted plans of July 13, 2004. <br /> <br /> <br />