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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/22/2010 4:09:27 PM
Creation date
9/11/2006 10:33:27 AM
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Public Works Commission
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<br />Escrow Requirement <br /> <br />After approval af an erosian and sediment cantrol plan, the City shall require the ~Permittee <br />to. escrow a sum af maney sufficient to. ensure the installatian, campletian, and maintenance af <br />the erosian and sediment cantrol plan and practices. Escrow amaunts shall be -as--set fram time to. <br />time by the City Cauncil. Upan project campletian, the remaining escrow shall be returned to. <br />the flllY€fPermittee. <br /> <br />Notice of Failurc of Erosion and Sediment Control Permit n orcement <br /> <br /> <br />The City shall natify the dC'iclaper Pel111ittee when theg!~yis gaing to. ac{al1 the financial <br />securities part af this ardinance. <br /> <br />I) <br /> <br />""i;i!ii.!:.!."'" ",.",., ,'.' <br /> <br />N atificatian by the City. The initial cq!ii~ct will be t91;:, party or parti~$listed an the <br />applicatian and/ar the starm water pallii\iql"l,eantI?~'Bhin. Farty-eight (48) haurs after <br />natificatian by the City' ar se;enty-twa (72)~pg;~"after the failure af erasian cantrol <br />measures, whichever is les~i'!l;~.,~ity, at its diss;~\ion, may begin carrective wark. <br />Erosian Off-Site. If erosiar1~.r~ac1}A~\he perimetetpf the site, the <br />applicantpcnnittccPermittee sh~ll imm~qia~~ly develpg~, cleanup and restoratian <br />plan, abtain the right-af-entry frpIP the aqjplnjngpropeqy awner(s), and implement <br />the cleanup anq.rA~\?E~~ian plan 'Yi\hil"l'itP.rtY-eightYf~8) haurs af abtaining the <br />adjaining pr9 .' rty awne.r',s permiss!mJ'i",In no. case, unless written appraval is <br />received e City, s~all mare th~ seven (7) calendar days go. by withaut <br />carrecti tian beingJ~~en. If, in th9'qiscretian af the City, the <br />PA;~lttAAq9~~l"lat reB~r the damage caused by the erosian, the <br />Cit may doth~r~Il1~4ial warkr~qllir~q and charge the cast to. the <br />. Pei'mittee. <br />Erosian iritqi,~;reets;~Atlands ar Water Badies. If eraded sails (including tracked <br />sails fram can~~.rgctian~?~jvities) enter ar appear likely to. enter streets, wetlands, ar <br />. ather water badiA~', prevent.jpn strategies, cleanup and repair must be immediate and <br />~mirely at the eXB~nse af the applicanmcrmittccPennittee. The <br />aPB.1Ip~ntl)ennittc"cnermittee shall also. pay all casts assaciated with traffic cantral and <br />flaggmp,requirA~lil\9 protcct the traveling public during the cleanup aperatians. <br />Failuret9R9i~9i;rective Wark. When an applicantpcrmitteePermittee fails to. <br />canfarm to,l~l"lyprovisian afthis palicy within the time stipulated, the City may take <br />the fallawing actians: <br />a. Withhald the scheduling af inspectians and/or the issuance af a Certificate af <br />Occupancy. <br />b. Revake any permit issued by the City to. the applicantpcrmittccPermittee for the <br />site in questian ar any athcr afthe applicantpcrmittccPermittee's sites within the <br />City's jurisdictian. <br />c. Direct the carrectian af the deficiency by City farces ar by a separate cantract. <br />The issuance af a permit canstitutes a right-af-entry for the City or its cantractar <br /> <br />2) <br /> <br /> <br />4) <br /> <br />- 6 - <br />
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