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City of Roseville - Planning Commission Minutes for July 12, 2006 <br />Chair Traynor noted that whether or not Mr. Johnson business plan was feasible was not the issue before the <br />Commission as they considered his land use request. <br />and facility; parking lot striping; and traffic flow on the site. <br />City Engineer Bloom advised that, when considering which areas of the lot to be striped for traffic flow, it was <br />determined that some areas would flow better if the process were left open to the vehicles using the site, and <br />would naturally work themselves out, rather than attempting to direct the flow and create confusion. <br />Chair Traynor closed the Public Hearing; and expressed his enthusiasm for the proposed use for the long-vacant <br />structure. <br />Motion: Member Doherty moved, seconded by Member Roe, to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of a <br />at 1724 Lexington Avenue, based on the comments in Section 5, findings of Section 6, and the conditions <br />in Section 7 of the project report dated July 12, 2006. <br />Commissioner Wozniak requested that the applicant work with the adjacent Dairy Queen owner to screen the <br />dumpsters. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that staff was working with other tenants to centralize refuse and appropriately screen it and <br />maintain ease of use by tenants; as addressed by staff in condition 7.1(c). <br />Commissioner Wozniak, in that same spirit, questioned signage, specifically that of Geller Jewelers in the same <br />strip mall, and questioned whether another condition could be placed to correct signage at the mall. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that, as the Geller sign was a pre-existing condition, it would be up to the property owner to <br />make sign improvements; noting that such revision would be a different application and process, in accordance <br />with State Statute, and pending City Code related to signs that was now being reviewed by the Planning <br />Commission for recommendation to the City Council in the future. <br />The applicant, Mr. Johnson, concurred that signage needed to be improved on the site, opining his preference for <br />a collective billboard on the boulevard; and volunteered to discuss such a modification with staff and the strip mall <br />owner; while addressing the dumpster screening and other site clean up, to seek a mutual agreement. <br />Chair Traynor, with Commissioner consensus, encouraged Mr. Johnson to do his best to address those issues, <br />seeking to eventually benefit not only the community, but the property owner as well. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Abstain: 0 <br />Motion carried: 5-0 <br />Chair Traynor reviewed the process for the July 24, 2006 City Council review of the Planning Commission <br />recommendation. <br />5 of 122/6/2007 11.11 <br /> <br />