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7/17/2007 3:40:24 PM
Creation date
2/6/2007 11:16:10 AM
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Planning Commission
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City of Roseville - Planning Commission Minutes for September 6, 2006 <br />Ayes: 4 <br />Nays: 1 (Traynor) <br />Motion carried. <br />Chair Traynor thanked staff and Commissioners, as well as those providing public comment, and advised that the <br />Planning Case would come before the City Council at their September 25, 2006 regular meeting. <br />Chair Traynor recessed the meeting at 8:25 PM and reconvened at 8:38 PM <br />b.Planning File 3759: J.W. Moore Incorporated, in cooperation with Keller-Williams Realty, request for a <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT, SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT VACATION AND STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION <br />on vacant undeveloped land near Woodruff Avenue and South McCarrons Boulevard. <br />Chair Traynor opened the Public Hearing. <br />Associate Planner Bryan Lloyd reviewed the request of J.W. Moore for re-subdivision of eight (8) existing, <br />undeveloped residential lots into four (4) single-family resident lots (land lies adjacent to Reservoir Woods and <br />near Woodruff Avenue and South McCarrons Boulevard), vacation of an existing sanitary sewer easement, and <br />the subsequent relocation of the sanitary sewer line and re-establishment of the appropriate easement; along with <br />vacation of an undeveloped portion of Chandler Avenue. <br />Mr. Lloyd advised that the proposal calls for the new lots to front along the new public, cul-de-sac street; with each <br />of the proposed lots meeting or exceeding the requirements of the City Code regarding length, width, size and <br />required setback. Mr. Lloyd noted that the submitted plans would be more finely-detailed in the Final Plat approval <br />process. <br />Mr. Lloyd noted that the applicant had requested City support for Vacation of an existing sanitary sewer easement <br />(and subsequent relocation and establishment of a new easement) that runs through the northern portion of six (6) <br />of the eight (8) existing lots; and also the Vacation of the existing, undeveloped right-of-way for Chandler Avenue <br />adjacent to Lot 14, Block 4, Rolling Green. Mr. Lloyd reviewed the process for vacating public easements; and <br />advised that both the Sanitary Sewer Easement and Street Right-of-Way Vacation sought by the applicant had <br />been reviewed by the Public Works/Engineering Department and they had determined that the interests of the <br />public would not be compromised by vacating the easements. <br />Staff recommended approval of the PRELIMINARY PLAT, VACATION of the existing SANITARY SEWER <br />EASEMENT and the VACATION OF THE CHANDLER AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY for the 2.02 acre parcel located <br />west of Woodruff Avenue and South McCarrons Boulevard, based on the information in Section 4, the findings in <br />Section 5, and the conditions of Section 6 of the project report dated September 6, 2006. <br />Discussion included location of the proposed cul-de-sac and infiltration basins and possible encroachment on St. <br />Paul Waterworks land. <br />City Engineer Debra Bloom reviewed the plat, designated rights-of-way, and storm water management <br />requirements of the developer, and ability of the developer to encroach upon the right-of-way, while ensuring that <br />the tree buffer remained undisturbed to ensure that the pathway was not impacted. <br />Grant Johnson, Applicant and Chris Wiley, Applicants <br />Mr. Johnson advised that of the two (2) previously presented proposals, one for single-family houses and one for <br />town homes, the single-family proposal had been chosen, following neighborhood and Planning Commission <br />comments. Mr. Johnson noted their willingness to work with staff on any conditions imposed by staff and/or the <br />Commission; and that their only concern was that they questioned if the park dedication had already been paid <br />the park dedication fee was not in place at that time. <br />Chair Traynor read into the record, attached hereto and made a part thereof, an e-mail correspondence from Ms. <br />Erica TenBroek, seeking assurance that the wetland would not be harmed during the development phase, nor once <br />the homes are occupied. <br />Ms. Bloom addressed ongoing cooperation between staff, the developer, and other permitting entities regarding <br />5 of 102/6/2007 11.15 <br /> <br />
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