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Planning Commission
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Last modified
10/13/2008 11:12:53 AM
Creation date
2/6/2007 11:19:38 AM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, November 01, 2006 <br />Page 11 <br />Commission was being asked to review and base their consideration on whether or not to <br />support the concepts proposed to work toward a final and detailed project, meeting all code <br />requirements, and as negotiated through staff and the Commission. <br />Preliminary Plat <br />Mr. Paschke reviewed Sections 6.5 - 6.7 of the staff report, detailing the review process; and <br />proposed use mix. <br />Rezoning <br />Mr. Paschke reviewed proposed rezoning within the redevelopment area, as detailed in <br />Section 6.8 – 6.11 of the staff report. <br />General Concept Proposal <br />Mr. Paschke reviewed the General Concept as submitted; detailing each specific concept, as <br />outlined in Section 6.12 – 6.15 of the staff report. Mr. Paschke reviewed the various <br />components (i.e., professional office, residential housing, and service mix – restaurant) of the <br />Concept Plan., detailed in Section 6.16 – 6.26 of the staff report. <br />Public Infrastructure <br />Mr. Paschke revised Sections 6.27 – 6.30 of the staff report related to public infrastructure; <br />noting that staff supported the concepts being advocated, but had not provided final approval, <br />pending further refinement, Rice Creek Watershed District and Minnesota Pollution Control <br />Agency (MPCA) review and approval, ongoing negotiations with the City Engineer and Public <br />Works departments; and continued detailing of the concept plan. <br />Mr. Paschke further reviewed park land dedication; staging of the proposed development; <br />other amenities, including trail and sidewalk systems; project impacts to traffic, wetland <br />ponding and shoreland protection requirements, parking, utilities, mechanical equipment, and <br />environmental issues; and design standards and guidelines, incorporating recommendations <br />of the Twin Lakes Stakeholder Panel. <br />Staff concluded their presentation by stating that the Development Review Committee (DRC) <br />and Community Development Department had concluded that the GENERAL CONCEPT <br />phase of the Twin Lakes West development meets the requirements for consideration by the <br />Roseville Planning Commission for their consideration of an advisory recommendation to the <br />Roseville City Council. Staff further and specifically concluded that the request for RIGHT- <br />OF-WAY and EASEMENT VACATION, PRELIMMINARY PLAT, REZONING, and GENERAL <br />CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT do not conflict with the Roseville <br />Comprehensive Plan (and the property designation of BP, Business Park) or the 2001 Twin <br />Lakes Business Park Master Plan. Further, staff concluded that, in a great number of ways, <br />the proposal fulfills the goals, policies and strategies set forth in the 2001 Twin Lakes <br />Business Park Master Plan; and based on the information provided in Sections 4 – 8 of the <br />Staff Report, the DRC and Community Development Staff recommend approval of the <br />requests, as noted in the report, by Rottlund Company for Twin Lakes West. <br />Discussion included why the Twin Lakes Parkway was not connecting Fairview and <br />Cleveland Avenues; with staff advising that the AUAR Update would dictate whether a <br />connection was necessary, which would be reflected in the final development plan following <br />completion of traffic studies as part of the AUAR update in process. <br />Further discussion included input from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) <br />regarding the proposed housing mix and how it related to Roseville’s Housing Plan; intent of <br />developer to use “green friendly” development principles and LED certification process <br />hallmarks; lack of retail proposed in this plan; relocation of the proposed Twin Lakes Parkway <br />and further distance from Langton Lake, as well as housing, rather than retail, located close <br /> <br />
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