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10/13/2008 11:12:53 AM
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2/6/2007 11:19:38 AM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, November 01, 2006 <br />Page 13 <br />questioned what was proposed for the next phase, and how the entire project was <br />envisioned. Mr. Rouda questioned the intent for senior housing, accessibility, and other <br />amenities; and expressed caution in approving the project without knowing the overall plan. <br />Ms. Greenfield noted that the applicant’s reference to senior housing, included that they <br />would be age-restricted with at least one of the owners being 55+, would be multi-story <br />condominiums, underground parking, ADA compliant, and having other amenities addressing <br />the needs of the senior purchaser. <br />Mr. Paschke reminded the public that future phases of the development would be bound by <br />the same plans – the Business Park and 2001 Master Plan. <br />Tim Callaghan, 3062 Shorewood Lane <br />Mr. Callahan had numerous questions related to the actual identify of the developer, who <br />actually controlled the property, and whether the current development agreement was valid <br />with this applicant. <br />Staff advised Mr. Callaghan that the existing contract was not part of the land use context <br />being discussed tonight; and would be subject to amendment by the City Council; and <br />assured that Rottlund Companies controls every property within the fifty-eight (58) acres <br />currently seeking approval for redevelopment. <br />Mr. Callaghan disputed staff’s statement; and additional discussion was held between Mr. <br />Callaghan, Commissioners and City Attorney Joe Langel with respect to the development <br />agreement; property ownership; and tonight’s land use application. <br />Mr. Callaghan further disputed representations of proposed uses, seeking more specific <br />plans for each site; road access onto Fairview Avenue; location and connections for Twin <br />Lakes Parkway; comparisons of this proposal to the original proposal; interpretations of the <br />Court of Appeals findings; and proposed number of housing units. <br />Staff and Commissioners responded to Mr. Callaghan’s questions and concerns as <br />appropriate; and Mr. Stark clarified that the City of Roseville is not currently involved in any <br />litigation whatsoever as it is related to the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area. <br />Terry Moses, 1776 Maple Lane <br />Mr. Moses opined that the City was “getting the cart before the horse” in considering this <br />application prior to completion of the AUAR Update; questioned concept plan approval as <br />being “final;” questioned the legality of this applicant and property ownership related to the <br />existing development agreement; and status of properties under Eminent Domain action . <br />Staff responded as appropriate, and reiterated their previous discussions related to the 60- <br />day review period for land use cases; and the continuing update of the AUAR on a parallel <br />track. <br />Al Sands, 2612 Aldine <br />Mr. Sands provided his historical perspective, referencing minutes from June of 2001 related <br />to the Twin Lakes AUAR map and plan approved by the City Council. <br />Mr. Stark responded to Mr. Sands’ concerns, addressing the findings of the Court of Appeals <br />ruling and resulting determination that the 2001 Twin Lakes Business Park Master Plan <br />served as the Comprehensive Plan; and detailing existing conditions and options. <br />Mr. Sands continued to dispute staff’s interpretation. <br /> <br />
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