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10/13/2008 11:12:53 AM
Creation date
2/6/2007 11:19:38 AM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, November 01, 2006 <br />Page 14 <br />Tam McGehee, 77 Mid Oaks Lane <br />Ms. McGehee questioned the actual number of proposed housing units; and questioned why <br />the Twin Lakes Parkway was not being shown as continuous on tonight’s drawings, when it <br />was shown as continuous at the recently-held, applicant-sponsored, open houses. <br />Mr. Stark noted that the concept approval PUD didn’t require a finite unit count. <br />Ms. McGehee advised that the rerouting of traffic, during peak hours, off Fairview and away <br />from residential areas, had always been an issue, and discussions were held at the open <br />houses, and needed to be pursued. <br />Yul Yost, 3015 Fairview <br />Mr. Yost had extensive questions and comments related to storm water drainage and depth <br />of the proposed holding ponds; presented his calculations for runoff; questioned how the <br />developer proposed to handle impervious surface runoff; enhanced protection of Langton <br />Lake; access to the ponds by City staff for ongoing maintenance; and his maintenance of the <br />north end holding ponds to-date. <br />Considerable discussion was held among Mr. Yost, staff and Commissions, and Mr. Yost <br />presented his comments in written form in a letter addressed to the Planning Commissioners, <br />attached hereto and made a part thereof. <br />dated November 1, 2006; <br />Ms. Bloom addressed the technical drainage and ponding issues raised by Mr. Yost; thanked <br />him for his continuing service to the community in maintaining the outlets; and alerted the <br />public to upcoming neighborhood meetings to address many of the issues raised by Mr. Yost. <br />Ms. Bloom requested a meeting, outside the Planning Commission venue, to further hear his <br />comments and suggestions for the drainage management in the area, based on his years of <br />observation, and documentation. <br />Dan Cooke, 3070 Shorewood Lane <br />Mr. Cooke had questions on Master Plan principles discussed on Exhibit D in the staff report; <br />protection of neighborhoods with less intrusive land uses; proposed number of housing units; <br />status of the AUAR Update; and concerns regarding traffic. <br />Staff responded to Mr. Cooke regarding staff’s interpretation of land uses and their <br />compatibility. <br />Commissioner Bakeman opined that the existing truck terminals would seem much more <br />intrusive to the neighborhood than the office/residential mix proposed. <br />Mr. Stark advised that the Court of Appeals ruling “trumped” any previous City action to the <br />specifics of the 2001 Master Plan and amendment to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. <br />Terry Moses <br />Mr. Moses disputed staff’s comments related to the AUAR and their “intelligent <br />recommendation” to the City Council; and disputed Ms. Bloom’s interpretation of impervious <br />surface estimates (currently 90%), opining that his discussion with a hydrologist noted that <br />much of the site is gravel of Class 4 materials, and not considered impervious. <br />Ms. Bloom clarified that Class 5 or gravel, when packed down, is not the same as green <br />space, and was considered more similar to bituminous surfaces, and treated as such when <br />reviewing development plans. Ms. Bloom reminded listeners that the engineering staff was, <br />in requiring rate controls and water quality was also considering erosion elements of gravel; <br />and respectfully disagreed with Mr. Moses’ comments. <br /> <br />
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