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<br />rebrusry 4, 1992
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<br />Dear League Directors and Memher Co.aiaaions,
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<br />Thanks to all who attended the,3an':lary aeeting. -TheJ..eague
<br />bus'iness year .atarted', well, .we hac;! a quorum, elected our new
<br />o.f.ficerafor the year anddiscuased a nUMber o.f iMportant issues.
<br />Please see the ,attached minutes.
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<br />Our next lOeet1ng', will be held on'Sunday, February 23rd at the
<br />Crystal City Hall .from Noon, until 3:00. ~e had planned on
<br />Bloomington howeve~ theY,w~re unable to' host us on this date.
<br />
<br />Durinj;lthe'last aeeting I stated that the present discuBsion,' '
<br />conce~ning the No-Fault Grievance,Process We. an unfinished
<br />business which we needed to continue to work through with the
<br />DepartMent 0% HUMan Rights. The Depart.ent is reviewing No-Fault,
<br />as I write. As noted in t.he hand ,out, put togett>er by ThelMa
<br />McKenzie and distribut.ed at. our .eeting, No-Fault has had a very
<br />'teapestuous history. I conclude that there are ~hree .ain reasons
<br />'for this stat.e of'af.fairsl '
<br />
<br />:F'irst,:No-Fault seeas to be affected by the ups and downs~of the
<br />MN ,Departaent. of Huaan Rights. As the Depart.ent,'s ability to
<br />handle cases is seen aa .anageable, or as an overload situation,
<br />so our ,involvement and i.portancagoes up and down. In the lest
<br />, few' years the DepartMent has ,been .ueh better able to aanage the
<br />work load.
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<br />The aecone:!, problell COMes .froll ,the p~rceivedquality, frequency
<br />and consist.ency of the training ahd certi.f1cation of local', I
<br />cOM.iaai9ners'~y the DepartM.nt. As we hearc .froll the Departllent
<br />Represent.ative at the aeet.ing, t.raining is preaently on hold
<br />unt.i 1 80lle deterllinati'on on No-Fault is ,ul,de. This ,1.& a very Mad
<br />8ituation. A great dealoftiae, energy, ideas and )oint work
<br />hav,e beeri accoapliahed illproving the training by the League and
<br />the Depart.llent in the ~aat.
<br />
<br />Third, the .co.lliasiona, ..ach one of ,us" need to look at. how our
<br />cOllllia.ions have, handled No-Fault.; The COllplaints we have heard
<br />'frolltheDepart.entare that aOMe grievances have, not,been
<br />hapdled well :and our Muccess rate is not s high one. "Though we
<br />'Mugg.at that this is not a,fair repreaerit~tion of'~hat we do and
<br />even :the kj,nd', of caMes we handle <aany of: the referrals t.o
<br />- us, end uP not bEi'in-g',diacri'ai!1st.ion eases) there are things t.hat
<br />we ,need to iapro'lioe on. -
<br />-J- ,.. _ 0_.._
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