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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/22/2010 10:38:48 AM
Creation date
6/7/2007 8:22:57 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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<br />Member Neprash asked about the condition of the college's current ditch <br />system. Mr. McLarnon said it was in very good shape with no erosion <br />problems, and the college keeps them well groomed. <br /> <br />Member Neprash asked about the west side of the campus and said there <br />were some small, nasty cast iron pipes extending out into the lake and <br />wanted to know what they were discharging. Mr. Humphries said he <br />didn't know but would check on it. <br /> <br />Member Neprash asked about the existing roofs and how they were <br />drained. Mr. Humphries said they drained into an underground pipe <br />system. Mr. McLarnon said that in future buildings the rain leaders would <br />be disconnected. Mr. Humphries said he thought that a quarter of the roof <br />drains weren't even functioning. Member Neprash said it would be <br />helpful to have this specifically addressed in the storm water study. <br /> <br />Member Willenbring asked if they were talking about the Roseville part of <br />the property or also the Arden Hills part. Deb Bloom said that Rice Creek <br />Watershed District governs the whole site, and that was important to keep <br />in mind. <br /> <br />Member Neprash said he was curious about the process and said it was <br />odd to see a 90-page storm water report with no calculations. He <br />wondered when the calculations came forward and what the review <br />process was. Deb Bloom said city codes are in place; and during the <br />review process, those must be met. This report is just a concept report. <br />Member Neprash said it was confusing and unsettling to approve a PUD <br />that has no calculations, and then to never see it again. Deb Bloom said <br />city staff reviews all permits and always enforces city code. <br /> <br />Tam McGeehee, 77 Mid Oaks Lane, pointed out that in 1996 there was an <br />agreement between Arden Hills and Roseville to make joint decisions on <br />this site. She also said she thought this site requires an environmental <br />review because of the traffic, as well as the general storm water issues. <br />She said that Arden Hills' process was better than Roseville's because <br />there's more chance for residents to see every step of the process. She <br />said all the residents in the neighborhood feel the college is at full <br />capacity. <br /> <br />Ms. McGeehee said she was concerned about this project meeting PCA <br />and other standards. Member Neprash explained to her that when going <br />through the whole process, permits and approvals will have to be applied <br />for for the project to go on, so the rules in place at the time will have to be <br />followed. <br /> <br />Member Neprash said the report was frustratingly vague. Deb Bloom said <br />it was but that's because the development was so far away, specific <br />information is not available but will be as the project goes further. <br /> <br />Page 5 of7 <br />
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