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<br />NOTICE OF HEARING <br />ON STORM SEHER IMPROVEMENT NO. 67-9 <br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br /> <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Village of <br />Rosevil1e, Minnesota, will meet at the Cafetorium in the <br />Alexander Ramsey School, 1261 ~vest Highway 36, in said <br />village, on the 5tb day of June, 1967, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., <br />to hold a public hearing pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter <br />429, as amended, on proposed Storm Sewer Improvement No. 67-9 <br />consisting of the construction of a sy~tem of trunk and lateral <br />storm sewers serving the general area between the NOrthern <br />Pacific R. R. and Josephine Road and lying west of Lexington <br />Avenue and east of Pascal Street. The system is proposed to <br />discharge through an outlet se'liJer on Fernwood Street northerly <br />into Lake Josephine. The storm vlater collection and conveyance <br />system consists of approximately 13,000 feet of pipe, 12" <br />through 60" in size, together with necessary catch basins, <br />inlets and manholes. The foregoing system will collect the <br />surface drainage \Jaters and runoff from the tributary area and <br />will convey the water in a generally easterly and northerly <br />direction for discharge into Lake Josephine. The foregoing <br />is all substantially in accordance with a preliminary <br />engineering report which is now on file and open to public <br />inspection in the office of the Village Manager. <br /> <br />The co~t of the improvement is presently estimated at <br />approximately $436,000.00. The area proposed to be assessed <br />for the improvement shall be all those parcels of property <br />lying within the following boundary~ <br /> <br />Commencing at the intersection of Lexington Ave. and <br />Co. Rd. "c" said point being on the east line of the <br />SW~, Sec. 3, T. 29, R. 23, said point also lying <br />749.8 Ft. N'ly of SE cor. of said sec.; Thence N'ly <br />along 8aid E. line of said S~ ~ of said Sec. a distance <br />of 300 Ft, thence W'ly and parallel with and 300 Ft. <br />distant N'ly. From the centerline of said Co. Rd. <br />"e", a distance of approximately 525 Ft.; thence N'ly <br />and parallel with and 300 Ft. distant E'ly from the <br />E. line of Blk. 2, North Ridge Plat 1, a distance of <br />526.3 Ft. to the extended certer1ine of Judith Ave., <br />