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<br />II <br /> <br />WHEREAS since that date a number of parcels of property contained within said <br /> <br />assessment roll as amended have been divided and conveyed by previous property owners and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the County Auditor of Ramsey County requires that apportionment of the <br /> <br />original assessment against each original tract where it has later been divided, sold or <br /> <br />conveyed, be made by the Village Council of the Village of Roseville in order that the <br /> <br />proper assessment can be extended by the County Auditor against each parcel of property <br /> <br />thereafter, commencing with an assessment to be collected in the year <br /> <br />and there- <br /> <br />after, <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Village Council of the Village of Ibseville does hereby make <br /> <br />the following apportionment of original assessments as contained in said assessment roll <br /> <br />of November 9, 1959 and as amended as of December 14, 1960 against the following des- <br /> <br />cribed properties: <br /> <br />DIVISION NO. 37517 <br /> <br />)RIGIr~L ASSESS}illNT <br /> <br />'Page 215) <br /> <br />A) 79-0100-010-50 <br />lubj to Ramline Ave & St H 36-118 <br />c subj to esmt for dam on W 50 ft <br />)f E 730 ft of S 1090 ft the NEi <br />)f ~~i of See 10, T 29, R 23. <br /> <br />1A.TF&L <br />FRONT <br /> <br />IA TERAL <br />SIDE <br /> <br />TRUNK <br />AItEA <br /> <br />TOTAL <br />ASSESSlJ.iENT <br /> <br />986.0 <br /> <br />250.0 <br /> <br />3.1 <br /> <br />8965.00 <br /> <br />~EAPPORTlmrHENT <br /> <br />1) 79-0100-020-50 <br />8 235 ft of E 760 ft of part N of Hwy <br />:6 of NEi of swi (Subj to Rds & esmts) <br />.n See 10, T 29, It 23. <br /> <br />235.0 <br /> <br />3.1 <br /> <br />2708.75 <br /> <br />2) 79-0100-030-50 <br />~ S 235 ft of E 760 ft part N of Hwy 36 <br />f NEi of swi (subj to Rds & esmts) in <br />ee 10, T 29, It 23. <br /> <br />751.0 <br /> <br />250.0 <br /> <br />6256.25 <br /> <br />Totals <br /> <br />986.0 <br /> <br />250.0 <br /> <br />3.1 <br /> <br />896.5.00 <br />