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Regular Cif C®uncgl eating <br />®nday, .Tuly 23, 2007 <br />Page 41 <br />Councilmember Pust sought clarification on mitigation plans and their <br />timeframe: what was needed now to accommodate improvements at <br />the college and what was scheduled to take place by 2018 - 203 0; and <br />the intent of the college to participate in or fund traffic mitigation is- <br />sues. <br />Mr. Lindgren responded that mitigation was provided for immediate <br />improvements as well as over time to full build-out; and would be <br />driven by traffic engineers for background traffic growth other than <br />the College, as well as improvements on campus. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that, from his recollection of discussions with <br />the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn:D®T), the reviewing <br />City consultant, and the College's consultant, mitigations strategies <br />would be required upon the addition of the first traffic-generating fa- <br />cility; and specific language would be incorporated into the PLTL) <br />Agreement. <br />Mayor Klausing refocused discussion to whether the EAW was suffi- <br />cient or if further study through an EIS was required. Mayor Klausing <br />noted that specific items could be addressed as part of the PUD <br />Agreement, and would come before the City Council for refinement at <br />a future date. <br />Councilmember Pust noted that she understood the process and steps; <br />however, she was analyzing whether mitigation steps and their timing <br />were sufficient as part of her consideration of the EAW. <br />Mr. Paschke noted that he was uncertain whether the EAW could spe- <br />cifically identify time and date, and triggering mechanisms to achieve <br />compliance Wlth mitigation factors; however, he noted that the EAW <br />laid out plans to address those; and that the PUD was the land use ap- <br />proval document that solidified achievement of those mitigation fac- <br />tors, while the EAW served as a general document or guide. <br />City Attorney Anderson advised that during the information gathering <br />process and a determination that potential environmental affects are <br />subject to mitigation by ongoing regulatory efforts, and when details <br />are available indicating such mitigation strategies, they can be in- <br />