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12egular City C®uncil eating <br />IVI®nday, July 23, 2007 <br />Page 42 <br />cluded in the PUD along with sequence timing of those mitigation <br />strategies in conjunction with build-out events that require them. Mr. <br />Anderson further noted that a Concept Plan presented less refinement <br />in the process than some EAW situations, and that the proposed 1VIas- <br />ter Plan developed over time. 1VIr. Anderson noted that the PUD <br />Agreement would legally set forth and bind a number of those issues, <br />as negotiated between parties, staff input, and approved by the City <br />Council. Mr. Anderson advised that, once the PUI~ was completed, <br />this would not be the last time the Council would see the issue; and <br />that if future significant changes occurred from those being proposed <br />under the PUD, the City Council could require further environmental <br />revievc~ under those circumstances; noting that this was not an unusual <br />occurrence. <br />Councilmember Igoe opined that, if the Council made a positive decla- <br />ration that an EIS was required, additional detail for building out and <br />traffic mitigation wouldn't be enhanced significantly. <br />Councilmember Pust noted another option would be to delay action <br />for another thirty days, requesting more information. <br />Councilmember refocused discussion on the accuracy and sufficiency <br />of the EAW as presented; noting that the City served as the Responsi- <br />ble Government Unit (RGU) responsible for making that determina- <br />tion. Councilmember Ihlan requested additional City Council discus- <br />sion on the comments of .agencies and the public; noting that several <br />agencies had commented that the EAW was incomplete; and opined <br />that there was not sufficient information to make a negative declara- <br />tion. <br />Councilmember I~.ough commented on the lead time needed for fund- <br />ing by l~~InT~OT for specific projects (i.e., Snelling Avenue), and the <br />immediacy of the proposed dorm and parking facility by the College. <br />Additional discussion, based on EAW comments and responses, in- <br />cluded sound barrier and mitigation plans along Snelling by MnDOT; <br />amount of traffic attributable to College expansion; Concept Plan and <br />phases of environmental review and approval processes; and the over- <br />