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egular City C®uncil eating <br />®nciay, .Tiny 23, 2007 <br />Page 50 <br />mendation for the applicant to request a voluntary extension to await <br />completion of the AUAR Update. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that completion of the AUAR had always been <br />on the table for the applicant; however, noted the unwillingness of the <br />applicant to do so. Mr. Paschke noted that, whether the City requests <br />completion of a discretionary EAW, staff remains on record asking <br />that the City Council require the applicant to complete a discretionary <br />EAW, as part of the record from the July 23, 2007 regular City Coun- <br />cil meeting. Mr. Paschke updated the City Council that, following its <br />review of the document, staff had accepted the applicant's traffic <br />study recently submitted; however continued to point to issues em- <br />bedded within Section 11. l .A of the staff report. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that if the City ordered the environ- <br />mental review, it would stop the development clock; otherwise, staff s <br />recommendation would be for the Council to deny the case on merits <br />without the opportunity to get information determined needed by staff, <br />and whether that information was readily available. <br />Mayor Klausing noted the benefits in awaiting update of the AUAR to <br />have an analysis of environmental impacts addressed for the entire <br />Twin Lakes development area, rather than on a proj act-wide basis, to <br />allow for overall mitigation strategies. Mayor Klausing opined his <br />preference of the AUAR update, already in process. <br />Councilmember Pust sought clarification that the applicant was not <br />supportive of the City Council requiring an EAW due to timing re- <br />lated to his property purchase not supporting such a timeframe. <br />® n I~ivingst® ,Applicant <br />lVlr. Livingston advised that he had no provision in his pending Pur- <br />chase Agreement that would allow him sufficient time to complete an <br />EAW without further negotiations with the seller. <br />Councilmember Roe observed that it was conceivable that the AUAR <br />Update process would be completed in mid October, well within the <br />timeframe that an EAW would require. <br />