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1VIy name is Dick Lambert and I live at X00 Brenner Avenue <br />I have a number of concerns about the burn peranit issue: <br /> <br />The code as marked up to permit the Fire thief to issue the perBnits does not allow burning for the <br />purpose of managing designated prairie grass areas <br />Is it the council's intention to endorse prairie grass management burns on residential lots where <br />by definition there are many homes nearby <br />If you decide to specifically allow prairie grass management burns on residential lots I recommend <br />that you address several key issues <br />o l~totification of neighbors - a requirement should be explicitly incorporated in the code to <br />require city notification of neighbors within-250' or perhaps 500' measured from the <br />outline of the lot to be burned. Nationale: there are many health conditions that are <br />adversely, or even critically, affected by smoke. 'These individuals should be allowed time <br />to plan to close up their homes or even vacate .them entirely. The cost for this is minimal. <br />® Post all prairie grass management burn permits on the city website <br />® Allow interested citizens the option of subscribing to an email list that would <br />automatically notify them ®f any scheduled burns <br />o I)ue to the increased potential for a serious' fire hazard due to home density, should the city <br />~ .~~,~~- require prairie grass management burns on residential lots to be conducted by the fire <br />~~~,'~ s~ ~ department or some other licensed professional, or at least monitored by an on-site fire <br />department official? <br />