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~~s~i~anantal aal~~ aar~d <br />658 CEDAR STREET" <br />ST. PAUL, MN 55 155 <br />PHONE: 65 I -297- 1 257 <br />FAx: 65 I -296°3696 <br />Trr: 800-62 7-3 5 29 <br />W W W. EQ6.5TATE , M N . US <br />July 6, 2007 <br />John Livingston <br />Cent ventures <br />1660 I~i~h=away .~ 00 ~loutrg .~~;ite .5D0 <br />fit. Louis Dark, Minnesota X5416 <br />Imo: 2700 Cleveland Avenue North <br />1Vlr. Livingston: <br />Gregg Downing has referred your letter to rne, and ~ will try to respond. 'There is limited <br />detail in your letter, but we are able to give you some observations and information on <br />the usual interpretatiou of tie st~t~ .e~a~~~a~~t~~ ~-~~T~~~~T ~~~. <br />First of all., every potential ~.esponsi'ble Governmental Unit (~.GU) that has authority to <br />permit or approve a project can make a discretionary decision to order an EAi~1 for any <br />project not previously reviewed if evidence known to it demonstrates that the project may <br />have a potential for signi~.cant en~rir~anmental effects. ~h~r~ are t~c~ exce~tior~s to this <br />discretionary power; <br />1. ~.f the pru~ec~ mew or exceeds any mandatory tlireshotd for a required EA~1(or <br />EIS) the 1Z.GU must order an EAR, and <br />2. If the project is below the applicable exemption threshold. (if any) for the type of <br />pro~iect in ~uestiun7 t~~e ~GU .may ~~t ~~d~~- ~ ~~~~j <br />F~rn~ the narrative of your letter, ~.t does not appear to be y®ur poslti®n that your <br />proposed project is likely to be so small as to be exerr~pt from consideration far reviewp or <br />that as your new project, it may have already been reviewed in an EAR (as a prior <br />projects where only the ownership has changes). <br />~.,rta~e~ issue ~v~cr~d 6e the comparison of project to any ofthe applicable scenarios <br />evaluated in the AUAl.2. covering this area. Leaving aside the question of the need to <br />update the AUAIZ. after f ve years have passed, ~f this project 1S Consistent with the <br />development assumptions 1.n t,~e .a~plic,~b~,e ~~~aria ~ ~~ ri~,r ~aJT ,ea~s~de~- fat the <br />project has received environmental review. ~Iowever, it is still the judgment of the I~GU <br />whether this oje~. is sufficiently sin~.iiar or identical. to what is analyzed in the AUAR. <br />~ ~ <br />STATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES <br />