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Last modified
10/9/2007 11:49:06 AM
Creation date
10/9/2007 11:48:53 AM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, June 6, 2007 <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />Commissioner Wozniak noted that the math computations and diagrams, and <br />sufficient understanding of them at this late hour was challenging; however, he opined <br />that while he had originally been “on the fence” about this application, the neighbor <br />comments had convinced him that this project was not appropriately transitional <br />considering its proximity to single-family homes. Commissioner Wozniak expressed <br />appreciation to Mr. Suh’s for his presentation of solar access rights, an issue that will <br />be receiving more consideration in the future as the Commission reviewed <br />applications. Commissioner Wozniak concluded by opining that this project was too <br />large, and he would not support the proposal. <br /> <br />Commissioner Doherty advised that, the Commission had a contract with residents, <br />and if something was zoned R-1, that was part of the contract and the Commission <br />didn’t drastically change zoning to R-6. Commissioner Doherty expressed profound <br />concern with the total height of the structure, and reluctantly opined that he could not <br />support it as presented. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bakeman opined that the Comprehensive Plan takes priority. <br />Commissioner Bakeman expressed disappointment that the twin homes were no <br />longer a part of the proposal; and opined that they would have provided a transition <br />for the neighbors. Commissioner Bakeman expressed strong support for the access <br />road to the existing parking lot and Langton Lake Park; however, noted that the <br />property had been represented in the Comprehensive Plan for more than twenty (20) <br />years, and this was not a new plan. Commissioner Bakeman opined that the height is <br />a hard transition from 1-1/2 story single-family homes, and that the twin homes would <br />have helped that transition a great deal; however, further opined that the proposal met <br />the Comprehensive Plan guidelines and caused her difficulty denying it. <br /> <br />Commissioner Boerigter expressed his difficulty with this project as presented, and <br />had anticipated voting for the project after reviewing the packet and original sketches. <br />Commissioner Boerigter opined that this was a fine project, that it made sense to have <br />the road in place and access secured for Langton Lake Park; however, given the <br />mass and height of the proposed structure, not just due to the shadow study, but <br />looking at the scaled perspectives representing the final size. Commissioner <br />Boerigter noted his other focus transitioning from wetland to residential; and opined <br />that he would have a tough time supporting the project as proposed, given the <br />neighbor comments and the mass and height of the building. <br /> <br />Commissioner Doherty noted that United had originally included twin homes, but to <br />put the road and access to the park in place, they had compromised. <br /> <br />Commissioner Boerigter further noted that there were access problems to the park <br />with other sketches provided, and while not within the purview of ht Planning <br />Commission and their consideration of land use issues, expressed concern that the <br />applicant was now considering requesting public financing assistance for the project. <br /> <br />Commissioner Martinson noted her indecision on the application; recognizing that the <br />applicant was known for their beautifully maintained and well-managed properties; <br />noted the public purpose served by the project in providing senior housing. However, <br />Commissioner Martinson expressed concern with the large mass of the building <br />compared to adjoining single-family homes and neighborhood characteristics; and <br />opined that traffic impacts and increased volumes weren’t well thought out. <br /> <br />Commissioner Doherty reiterated his lack of support for the project as presented. <br /> <br /> MOTION <br /> <br />
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