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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 10, 200'7 <br />Page 12 <br />discussion was related to the Parks and Recreation portion of the Gen- <br />eral Fund. <br />Councilmember Ihlan asked Mr. Miller to indicate the proposed total <br />percentage increase to the tax levy resulting from the City Manager <br />recommended budget at 15.7% and the proposed HRA levy budget <br />levy. <br />Mr. Miller estimated that the total levy increase would be approxi- <br />mately 19%, representing an estimated $109/year, or $9/month in- <br />crease to an average home with a 5% increase in their market value. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that, it was his observation that percentage in- <br />creases skewed actual costs and benefits of services and programs <br />provided; and further opined that it was incumbent upon the City <br />Council to identify those items being funded. Mayor Klausing noted <br />that the City Manager's recommendations included many unfunded <br />mandates and met requirements for OSHA; Imagine Roseville 2025 <br />initiatives; complying with budget reserve policies; and encouraged <br />Councilmembers and the public to look at actual dollars and impacts <br />and implications of those dollars. <br />Councilmember Kough noted increased costs for employee health <br />care benefits that needed to be included in the levy proposal; in addi- <br />tion to COLA increases; and overall contributions to all departments <br />and to make the best out of what was available. <br />Discussion included COLA at 3.5% in the City Manager recom- <br />mended budget; peer municipalities and Stanton V comparisons; col- <br />lective bargaining unit contract agreements, negotiations, and status of <br />multi-year contract language and provisions; health insurance in- <br />creases; non-disparities of non-union and union employees; and con- <br />figuration of those employees covered by union agreements and those <br />non-union employees. <br />Councilmember Pust sought clarification from Mr. Miller on whether <br />contract language included an escalator. <br />