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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 10, 2007 <br />Page 13 <br />Mr. Miller advised that he would review contract language and pro- <br />vide an update to Councilmembers. <br />Additional discussion included projected health insurance premiums <br />increasing over thirty percent (30%), status of the competitive bidding <br />process and potential negotiations, and managing costs through addi- <br />tional tiers of care provisions or other plan changes; stable amount of <br />turnover and retirements among employees annually, not having ma- <br />jor budget impacts; and statutory requirements for PERA increases for <br />both the employee and employer to strengthen assets of the plan and <br />addressing unfunded liabilities of the retirement fund. <br />Further discussion included correcting a proportionate share of insur- <br />ance premiums paid to the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance <br />Trust (LMCIT) allocated to the General Fund and to make the Risk <br />Management Fund sustainable over the long-term. <br />Councilmember Pust questioned the identification of $50,000 annu- <br />ally for general building repairs; current fund balances; and whether <br />an inventory of building needs indicated this would be sufficient fund- <br />ing. <br />Mr. Miller responded that staff had performed a general needs as- <br />sessment analysis projected over the next 20 years; and noted that <br />$50,000 annually would not solve the need, it was a start and re- <br />establish the continual depletion of the fund. Mr. Miller opined that <br />staff was in agreement that, following 2008 arena refrigeration system <br />improvements, the fund would be completely exhausted. <br />Mayor Klausing sought to move toward consensus; and sought indi- <br />vidual Council suggestions to reduce spending in other areas if not in <br />agreement with the City Manager's recommendations. <br />Councilmember Roe indicated that he was supportive of the recom- <br />mended $250,000 for budget policy compliance; and, while being a <br />strong proponent of the Imagine Roseville 2025 process, he was con- <br />cerned about allocating funding in the budget, and levying for that <br />funding when the process had yet to be completed. Councilmember <br />Roe indicated that he was comfortable at this point in allocating no <br />