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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 10, 2007 <br />Page 15 <br />Mayor Klausing cautioned Councilmembers to make their determina- <br />tions on whether these services or personnel were needed, rather than <br />attempting to lower the levy increase percentage. <br />Councilmember Pust recognized Mayor Klausing's rationale in pro- <br />viding services and programs that the citizens wanted; however, <br />opined that the overriding deciding factor was what the citizens were <br />willing to pay for in real costs, and for all taxing jurisdictions (mu- <br />nicipal, county, school district, and HRA). <br />Mayor Klausing concurred; however, noted comments heard through- <br />out the community regarding their desire for additional services; and <br />highlighted one example for safety concerns and the need for an ATV <br />for police officers to access parks (i.e., Acorn Park). Mayor Klausing <br />suggested that additional expenditures be included in the not-to- <br />exceed preliminary levy and budget, with citizens encouraged to <br />comment on that proposal prior to adoption of the final budget and <br />levy in December. <br />Additional discussion included property taxes relative to income lev- <br />els; levy increases and impacts to the overall tax bill based on market <br />value of properties; costs versus benefits and impacts on individual <br />taxpayers; and the need for more in-depth discussion and additional <br />fine-tuning of this preliminary not-to-exceed budget and levy. <br />Mayor Klausing requested that Mr. Miller provide his written re- <br />sponses to Councilmember Pust's written questions provided to staff <br />earlier today for all Councilmembers. <br />Councilmember Kough spoke in support of an Assistant City Manager <br />position, compensation and adjusted job description; reductions in <br />fuel and emergency vehicle costs through reduced patrol vehicles <br />from 12:00 midnight to 4:00 a.m.; spoke in opposition to an ATV for <br />patrolling parks; and spoke in support of using motorcycles for patrol- <br />ling parks and remote areas through purchase of a motorcycle or do- <br />nation of one. Councilmember Kough cautioned Councilmembers on <br />changes in cable franchise fees, and potential impacts on staffing and <br />communication fund expenditures utilizing those franchise fees. <br />