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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
1/30/2008 2:15:22 PM
Creation date
11/14/2007 1:35:19 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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eg Iar lty ci eeti <br />®n ay, ct® er <br />age 1 <br />jority's lack of interest in streamlining the process to allow for quicker resolution <br />of violations. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, in an effort to move forward in the near future, requested <br />additional information from staff on whether Roseville was in the minority of <br />other communltles involved in having their City Council make a decision on <br />whether to proceed with a court citation on code enforcement cases, opining that <br />such a practice was rare. Councilmember Ihlan expressed appreciation to staff far <br />the matrix of problem cases, and asked that it be provided periodically for Council <br />information. <br />Mr. Munson advised that staff would be reissuing a land use update monthly, and <br />their individual status. <br />Ihlan moved, Klausing seconded, enactment of Ordinance No. 1354 entitled, "An <br />Ordinance Amending Title 4, Section 407.05, City Council May Enforce; and <br />Section 407.06, Powers of Officers." <br />Councilmember Pust opined that it didn't make sense to enact the ordinance if the <br />prior action had not been successful. <br />City Attorney Scott Anderson responded that, in fact, part of the reason his office <br />had worked with staff on clarifying these proposed ordinance changes was due to <br />some individuals claiming that staff was not properly enforcing the ordinance, and <br />were questioning whether staff was the designated authority. Mr. Anderson ad- <br />vised that proposed ordinance language changes clarified the designated authority <br />for administration and enforcement of code. <br />Councilmember Roe questioned specific terms of the ordinance language related <br />to defining notice, the process, and its application. <br />City Attorney cited language in the proposed ordinance, Section 407.06, specific <br />to nuisances and abatement of nuisances, and powers delegated to code enforce- <br />ment personnel. <br />Discussion included language of Section 407.06, Part A and B, and their specific <br />provisions; staff's strict adherence to the outlined procedure, if the first flexible <br />approach becomes fruitless; and the intention to notice the abatement and poten- <br />tial language enhancements to reference non-compliance with the initial violation. <br />City Attorney Anderson proposed revised language to Section 407.06, Part A as <br />follows: <br />"Notice: Whenever an officer charged with enforcement determines that a public <br />nuisance is being maintained or exists on premises in the City, hand determines <br />that the City abatement process is appropriatej, the officer shall notify, in writ- <br />
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