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.. . . ~,~,~ ~'~.. ~ c~~~ <br />dC)BNAM~: No Job N~ma PAGF: 497 S~3S: 2 UU'~~UT: '£t~e Apr 8 12:31:10 20~3 , <br />Ifirst/pubdacs/mec/3/i ] 217_full <br />TRAPI+'YC AND VEHIC~E3 § 36-39 <br />(4} W~thin ~n Peet af a~x'e hydrant, fire ctepartment spxinktex connec~ion or fire ~ <br />depa~rt~ms~.~ s'~a.n.dpipa cas~nectiu~.; <br />(5~ ~n a crosswalk; <br />.(8) 'PVi~hi~ 8Q feet ugoa tha ~pprnach ta a.ny flaal~,z~xg beaeo~n, atog sz~ ox traff'ic eontrol <br />sign Iaca~ed at tb.e sade of a raadw~y; ' <br />• f 7) W'~tl~ain 20 fest of the dxivoway adjace~t to any fixe ~t~tzcsn ~r an the ~ide of thQ st~r~et <br />apposi~e tlze entra~,ce ~o a~ay fire station with~n 78 feet of ~a eatrsnae v~rhen prap~ly <br />si~.pas~d; , <br />(8) Alongsids ar opposite any stree~ ra~aav~tio~ nr obeixuction whan s~zch stnp~sizag, <br />' standir~g or parking wo~zld obstruat traffic; <br />(9) ~n tho rnadw ay side of any vehialo stapped or par~ed at the edgo or ourb of a straet or <br />road; <br />{~0) At s~q place ~svl~ere oi~"icia~l signs prnh3~i'~ stoppix~g or pax~lcing; <br />(3.1) I~, fronx af ar in such graximity ta any rural cleiivery~ m,ai~l box sa as t~ nbstruct ar <br />ix~terfere wi.t~. d~lave~ry of a~ail to auch box; ar <br />f~2) ~t~zZx- 50 fset of tl~.e ~aeaxest xail of a ra~tx4ad crossing. <br />{Gade J.982, § 1$-2I) <br />~~ate law refere~ce-$ixui,lai' provisions, 1VL~inn. 5tats. § 169.34. <br />Se~s. ~S•87. ~'~ssa~e in~erfereuae. <br />No ~u~omo'~ile os a~hex vehicle shal~ oceupy arzy xoad ~r s#r~et in ~lae eit~yr so as ~o ira~erfara <br />wii;h or interrupt t~ze pass~ge of v~er cars or vehiales, <br />{Cdc1e I982, ~ I8-2Z) <br />~ec. ~6-88. U~attex~.ded v~hicles. <br />'[a) No persnn ahall leave a ma~axcsx ox vehacle unat~t~nded on any rQad ar street iat the c~ty <br />with tlze engizie running. <br />(b) No person shalI laave a~c,torcar ar veb.iale parked unattended 'zn f,he city nn x stree~, <br />in any parI~ng area, ox in any pv~blic ar priva~e driveway with tlae key in the igiu~ian or the <br />ig~nit~ion unIneked. <br />(Codo 1982, § ~8-23? <br />g~+o. 8fi-88. Fark~g ~~ro~ibited i~x certain lncati.ens. <br />(a) ~'sxking on bridge ~pproaches or upan any baulevard znedian st~Ip,lawn ar g~ass plot is <br />~rnhibitod in the oity, <br />fh) Nn parsaz~ ah~ll park or leave his mator vel~icle stax~ding upen tha private property in <br />#1ae czty of any pexsan witl~.~ut ~.xs~ receiving conser~t of ~tkze nwz~er of snc,b pxapex~y. <br />CD36:7 <br />