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]a~NAM~: Na Job Name PAC`.sE; 498 S~SS: 2 O~'T'PUT: 'T"~e Apr 8 12:31; lU 2n~3 <br />/firstlpuhdocs/mccf3/I 12 ~7_fuEl <br />~ 38-83 MAPLEWODIJ COU~ <br />(c) ~'~xe~ixr,g of any veb.iele upon ~.ny street or road in ~he citp fox znrnr~a 't~an 9fl ~.inu~es <br />dvrxng tl~o i~a intervsning betwaen a snowfall of tv,;o inche~ or ~oxe and the p2owing ar <br />ramoval of ~sao~ is ~exeby pxakub9~Ged. <br />~ (d} Park',ng of a~n.y valxiel~ upo~. ax~y stareet or road in tIio city ]~etwoen th~ ~c~urs of 2;0~ <br />~_.~---~ and B:O(3 a,rn.. is harelay ~xahibitpd. Any owuer, tenant, occ~psnt nr zesidsz~t of pxoporiy <br />` a g a ci y s rest an an as a ts~goxary hardship may agply to the chzef of poli.ce <br />' for a t~mpnrary exc~ptian parmit~ng azz-s~xeet vehicu3ar bstween th.e ho~rs a:F 2:~~ ~ <br />a.n~. and 6.0(} a.m., whiah pexa~i~tod e~eptian s~.aIi ~.o~ e~ana~ beyand 1~ cale~zd~r days. <br />{e? ~g~oial par~cing areae in the ci~y mag be desi~c-atsd by the c~uncil from tune to time, by <br />resolutiaz~, fox ~~'txck p~rItirrg or for taxic~b parlZin~. W'hen eo designated, nn other vehicles may <br />st~nd, atop ar park i,n euek~ axeas. <br />(Code I9$2, §§ 1~•24--18-28; Oxd. No. BO~T3, 8-28-2QOQ} <br />Becs. SG-~0--86-65. Reserved. <br />ARTTGLE III. PRIVAT~LY AND PUBLTCT~Y QW'NED PARRTNC~ L~~S, AREAS .A~) <br />R~1NiP6"° <br />Sec. SB-66. Ma~imum speed and m~.n.ner of operati~g mator ve~ic~es ge:p.arally <br />{~ Na ~erson elaall operate a anatar vehzcle ar~ a.ny pazvateTy owued ax publicly owned <br />parking lat, gre~z or raz~a~ wi~ ~he ra.~y at a speed gxeater t~aan is sa.fe and reasonable ig the <br />condi~on of tra~c ~hen exis~g tlaerei~z, ax~d iaa no even.t s~all suc~ vehicle be operated in <br />exces~ o~ a speed n£ I5 m~les pex hour <br />{b} AIl operatian a~ad driving af ma~or valucles on, such p~zx~ci,n;~ kota Qx xaxraps st~.a21 be done <br />ix~ a careful msrrner so ~at no ~ atic mavement af the vehi.cle is engaged in by th~ driver, <br />(c) it s1~aI1 be unlar~ul fur ~xa.y pexear~ ~d opexa~a any znatox vehicle upon sucky lot or ramp <br />in any manner ~~at would cons4~~i.~e careJess c~riving i#' dane etpon a public s~reet ar f,~ghway. <br />td) Na persan shall engage in any c3rag racing, ~ibitaan driving ar uz~reasonabTe <br />aeceierati.on of a uwtar vehicle on any such parkiug Iot, are~ or ramp. <br />ccoa~ ~.ssa, ~ zs-~~.) <br />s~~. $~.~~r. :~~~a~~~.~. <br />Parkircg of vehicle~ an pri~ately ar ~~blicly awned par~ring Tats, areas or ramps zn the city <br />sh~zll confoxsn ~o t~i.e uaarkir~gs of s'~alls or pasitions far ~Sarking which are designat.ed on ~he <br />*~tate lat~r rePexex~aes Ragu~ations ~Ol' LiSD flP T$~F ~iS0~8T~~ used by ~hs public for <br />purpases ofvel~icular trava3. bg perz~aission o~ow~aex, Mixkn. Stats. $169.OG; autl~axity nf cit~ to <br />regutate au.to3mohile parking faeiii~ies, Mi~uY. ~tats. y~ 412.2~r, suhd. ~4. <br />CD3S:6 <br />