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3/23/2010 9:24:15 AM
Creation date
1/11/2008 8:19:19 AM
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920.45 Re o~s of Police Offic~rs and Ci ~m ound. Traffia tags will be ~s~ by police offiaers <br />when directing ~he towing and impounding of a~vehicle. The tag is ~a be in i~e fox~:a prescribed <br />by the Chief of Folice and will include the mal~e and lice~se number af the ~ehicle tagged, the <br />date and time af the offense, the r~ature af tl~e o~fense ak~arged, az~d any furtl~~r information <br />whic~ ~he Chief of Police deems necessary and advisable. The police af~cer will, if possible, <br />avvai~ ~he arrival a~' a taw ~ruck. Wl~en a vek~icl~ is towed and impaunded, it is t~~e duty of the <br />City Impaund ~o kee~ a"~ow sheet" on a form furnished by the Manager, on any taws. The tow <br />sheet ~nust give the descriptian of~ha vehicte, with an inventary of atiy personal praperty visible <br />in the vehiole at the tirne of the arrival of the vehicle at the City Impound. The descriptzo~ and <br />inventory must includ~ the ~rtaic~ and license nurnber offihe v~hicle and the of arrival at tl~e <br />City ~rr~pound, together witt~ a statement o~information as may be necessary to describe the <br />vehicle and property. All tow sh~ets wi11 be consecutiv~ly nutnbered, The original and one copy <br />of each tow she~;t must b~ d~livered to the PQlice Department, which will deliver a copy to the <br />Clerk. <br />920.0G AuthorizatiQn. Whenever it is four~d necessary under any Sectzan of this Code or s~tate <br />law to remave a vehicle illegally par~Ced on a roadway, any polzce o~oer is here6y authorized to <br />pror~ide for the removal a~'tk~e ve~icle ~a the nearest con~enient garage, impound !ot or oth~r <br />place o~ safety. <br />` ~9~0;~'7 ~'arking Dur~ng Snovu Ren~d~val ; <br />Subrl. 1. During the peric~d commencing Nov~rriber 1 r~f ar~y year, to and including <br />April l of the follawing year, no person ~nay stop, park or leave standing a vehicle on any <br />street ar highway in the Cily af St. Anthony betvveen the ho~rs of 3:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. <br />or in sueh a manner as to impede the plowing and/or removal ofany snovcr, ice or ~vaste <br />on the street or kzig~way. <br />Subd. 2. Whez~ever it is necessary ~c~ the proper direction contral, r~gulation of traffic, <br />plowing and/or the removal of snaw, ice or waste, or maintenance or irn~ro~vement of any <br />k~ighway or street ta re~nave any vehicle standing an a hi~laway or street in the City, then <br />any police officer is au~horized to prc~vide for the removal v£such ve~icle and ~ave t}~e <br />sarn~ remQ~ed to the nearest eonvenient garage or ather place of safety. The cost of <br />removal and storage of the veliicle wi1~ be charged to the owner of tl~e vehicle, and to the <br />person causing the violation. <br />920.08 Paikin,~ii3 ~xcess of24 Hours,~If any vehicle is left standing ~ar a periad in excess of 2~ <br />~ hours, th~en the vehicle may be deern~d a tra~~'ic imp~diment, and a palice of~cer is autl~arized to <br />provide for the re~avaf of the ~ehicle. <br />Sec~ivn 92S - RESTR~CTIONS QN USE <br />925A~ Motor Vet~icles. For purppses nf this S~ction 925, ~he ~errn "zr~otar vehicle" is deemed to <br />include motorized ~icycles, motarcycles, rnotor scooters, trail bi~es, aminibikss, ali terrain <br />~rehicles, and gaWcar~s. <br />9-6 <br />
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