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Last modified
3/23/2010 9:24:15 AM
Creation date
1/11/2008 8:19:19 AM
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Public Works Commission
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~ ~ <br />Sec~~€~n 9 ~ ~ ~'ARKII~TG AEGIJLA'I'I,Q~T~~ <br />910.01 Certaan Sto in and Parkiz~ ~'rohihited. <br />Subd. 1. Ri~hts-of Wav. No person zr~ay drive upon or acrass, stop,leave standi~ag or <br />park a ve~icle, whet~er attencied ar unatt~nded, upon any bvulevard or otk~er portion qf a <br />pub(ic right-of way abutting the traveled po~lion of a roadway. This prohibiti~~ will not <br />apply to driveways whick- give aacess frt~m a roadway. In the event of an e~ergency <br />resulting frorrx vehicle faiiure in an area wh~r~ sueh parlcing is prahibited, the vehicle <br />operator m~st atte~npt r~vhere prac~ical to mQr~e the ~ehicie off~he travel~d portion o~the <br />roadway. A clear and unobs~ructed width of a~ l~ast I 5 feet of the traveled part of t~e <br />roadway opposite the standing ~ehicle must be left ~or the free passage of other vehicles. <br />Subd. 2. O~structaoza df MaiJ $axes. No person may park a ve~icle so as ta v~struct a <br />mail box, <br />Subd. 3. Q~•der to Proceed. No person may stop or park a vehic~e on a roadway when <br />direct~d ar ordered to praceed by a police afficer, <br />Subd. 4, Si~ns and Pos_t_ing. NQ persan may sto~ nr park a v~hicle a.t arry pIace where <br />official signs pzahibit sucl~ stopping or parking. When a roadway is Cemporarily posted <br />by ord~r of the police far tl~e purpose of traf~c cont~ol, removal o~ snor~v, ic~; or waste, <br />maintenance or iz~nprovement or otherwise, evidence of the posting constitutes prima <br />facie evidence of tih~ order ofth~ police and notice of same. <br />S~ction 915 - PR~VATE PARKING ~.4T~ <br />915.01 Re~la.tions. No persan may operate a motar vehicte on serni ~ublic property in <br />r~isalation of any a~cial sign, or operate at a speed greater than is safe and reasonabie under the <br />canditians ~hen existing, and in na event at a speed in excess of ~ S miles per hour. Parking of <br />vehic~es on semi-public property must conform to any designated stalls or positions for parking. <br />No vehicles rnay be parked ~c allawed to stand in an ar~a desi~r~ated or used as a lane for <br />moving traffc so as to interfere with the ma~vement aftra~c. Th~ Pc~lice Department may post <br />si~ms at ar~y ~ntrance to sem~-public pro~erty frorn a rr~adway to desi~nate c~ne-way traffic for <br />entrance or exi#, and t~e driver of any vehicle entering t~r leaving the serr~i-p~ablic ~roperty must <br />comply with any one-way s~gn so posted. <br />Sec~ian 92U - REMOVAL OF ABANDONED VEHICLES <br />AND ILLEGALLY PARKED VEHICLES <br />920.01 I?efnitions. T~or purposes of this 5ection 920, the fallowing terms l~ave the falIawing <br />mear~in~s: <br />Subd. 1. "Motar Vshicle" or "Veh:icle", A vehicie as def~;~ed in Minn. Stat. § 169.01, . <br />Subd. 1 which is pawered all ar in part by a motar ar engine, <br />9-3 <br />
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