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City Council Meeting Minutes
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2/6/2008 10:02:27 AM
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2/6/2008 10:02:26 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, 3anuary 14, 2001$ <br />Page 17 <br />hanced safety issues on County Road B. Councilmember Pust suggested that <br />other Councilmembers may be of a different opinion and express different con- <br />cerns if this was happening nearer their home. <br />Councilmember Ihlan defended her previous comments related to safety concerns, <br />suggesting prohibition of a-turns with enforcement; and opined that she had not <br />seen evidence that the redevelopment would significantly impact traffic volumes <br />and/or access issues. <br />Recess <br />Mayor Klausing recessed the meeting at 10:27 p.m. acrd reconvened at 10:36 p.m. Mayor Klaus- <br />ingnotedthat Councilmember Kough had left the meeting durl7g the recess. <br />d. Consider Adoption of a Resolution Approvdng Request by Emmes Realty <br />Services LLC for an Amended Planned Unit Development (PUD) at AarMar <br />Mall, 2100 Snelling Avenue (PF07-062) (Ground Round) <br />Mr. Paschke reviewed the additional application for redevelopment of the former <br />backyard Grille, on the southwest side of the site, for another restaurant use; raz- <br />ing the former Backyard Grill restaurant building and constructing a new, 7,200 <br />square foot, sit-down restaurant in its place; creating a new structure on a differ- <br />ently-configured outlot adjacent to Snelling Avenue and the Mall access road; <br />modifying the access road at the restaurant entry for better circulation; and modi- <br />fying the general site area with new parking stalls, landscaping and screening <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed concern that this proposal was not as specific as <br />the previous application; and opined that it was reminiscent of the Northwestern <br />College PUD Amendment application, and prevented serious public comment and <br />discussion. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that, at the Planning Commission's Public Hearing, the pub- <br />lic had expressed their concems and comments, and those applicable had been in- <br />corporated into the proposed PUD Agreement, currently before the City Council. <br />Given the lateness of the hour, and the number of concems addressed by individ- <br />ual Councilmembers on the specificity of the proposed Agreements; Mayor <br />Klausing suggested that language of the Agreements be fine-tuned and brought <br />back before the Council at their next meeting. <br />Discussion included the review period status for each case; need for findings for <br />denial; staff's recommendation for approval of both cases; and preference to have <br />the full Council vote on the matter, given Councilmember Kough's absence. <br />Council majority indicated rnoving forward with an agreement, excluding a con- <br />dition for right-in/right-out closure; and specific conditions included related to the <br />pedestrian bicycle access, and eastern boarder fence. <br />
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