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Regular City Council IVffeeting <br />l~ionaiay, January 14, 2008 <br />Page 16 <br />tion of this item only, and that the rules would have to be suspended to continue past 11:00 p.m. <br />or to take up any additional items." <br />Additional discussion related to the application included potential for condition- <br />ing approval on closure of the intersection within one (1) year; inability of the ap- <br />plicatzt to renegotiate current leases, some extending for up to twenty (20) years; <br />projected traffic levels when the facility is fatty-leased out, acrd impacts for safety <br />and access; applicant's responses to citizen and neighborhood concerns regarding <br />various nuisance issues; and improved lighting with site redevelopment. <br />Councilmember Post clarified the applicant was not content with the City Council <br />approving their application with the condition that the right-in/riglrt-out at the in- <br />tersection 300' from Snelling Avenue be addressed within one (1) year. <br />Mr. Hart confirmed Councilmember Past's clarification, opining that the appli- <br />cant had yet to thoroughly review the proposed PUD Agreement. <br />Further discussion included staff s position a~1d the applicant's positions on traffic <br />and safety concerns, and ihipacts of the site's redevelopment. <br />Mayor Klausing spoke in support and respect of staff's position and analysis. <br />Additional discussion included Ramsey County plans and requirements and their <br />support of closure of the access point; ongoing safety concerns; other mitigation <br />options that may be available; and the couunon interest in safety and a smooth <br />traffic flow. <br />Councilmember Pust spoke in support of closure of the access. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in supporC of the development; and consideration of <br />access closure as a separate issue, or at a minimum, with a condition for a closure <br />timetable. <br />Mayor Klausing concurred with Councilmember Ihlan; opining that, while recog- <br />nizing staff's concern, there didn't appear to be a sufficient nexus to mandate clo- <br />sure in order to grant this application, and that the right-in/right-out be allowed to <br />remain open. <br />City Attorney, and Councilmembers, addressed the proposed PUD Agreement, <br />and the need to eliminate vague references and inconsistencies to ensure enforce- <br />ment in the future. <br />Councilmember Pust noted for the record, that it was important not to leave the <br />impression with citizens that the Council was ignoring the 1999 and 2007 traffic <br />studies, and the advice of staff, that the foreseeable changes created or further en- <br />