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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, .Ianuary 14, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />Mayor Klausing thvrked the City's Advisory Human Rights Conunission for <br />alerting the City Council of this recognition opportunity. <br />6. Approve t~Rinutes <br />a. Approve Minutes of 1/7/08 Regular Meeting <br />Kough moved, Klausing seconded, approval of the munltes of The 7anuary 07, <br />2008 Regular Ivieeting as amended. <br />Corrections: <br />Page 6, Item 11, Other )$usiness Items, Iliscuss City Council Rules of Proce- <br />dures <br />(Ihlan) <br />® Lines 41 and 42, Correct to read," councihnember Ihlan was not supportive of <br />language that would limit introduction of new items [ ]. <br />Page 7, Public Comment (Roe) <br />Spelling correction on line 35 of Comrcilmember Pust's name. <br />Identification on line 38 of Mayor Klausing as the speaker. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Pust; Roe; Kough; Ihlan; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />7. Approve Consent Agenda <br />There were no changes to the Consent Agenda. <br />At the request of Mayor Klausing, City Finance Director Chris Miller briefly reviewed <br />those items being considered under the Consent Agenda. <br />a. Approve Check Register <br />Pust moved, Ihlan seconded, approval of the following claims and payments as <br />presented. <br />ACH Payments $577,852.20 <br />49865-49917 47,001.97 <br />Total $624,854.17 <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Pust; Roe; Kough; Ihlan; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />b. Approve General Purchases and/or Sale of Surplus Items Over $5,000 <br />Pust moved, Ihlan seconded, approval of general purchases and/or contracts as <br />follows: <br />