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I2egatlar City Council R~Ieeting <br />1Vlonday, January 14, 2008 <br />Page 5 <br />Discussion included advantages for municipal versus state adoption of such legis- <br />lation and practical applications. <br />Councilmember Pust thanked Ms. Edwards, and the Roseville School District for <br />their involvement and cooperation. <br />Council consensus was to hold further discussion once proposed ordinance lan- <br />guage was drafted. <br />b. Consider an ®rdanance to Fieaone and a IZesoiution Approving an Aanended <br />Conditional 1Jse Pernnit (CUP) for Pet3enart, 2480 Fairview Avenue (PF07- <br />063) <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke summarized the request of Faegre and Benson, on <br />behalf of PetSmait, seeking approval of a TEXT AMENDMENT to Roseville <br />City Code, Sections 1002 and 1005, pertaining to dog kemlels and boarding of <br />animals; and an AMENDMENT to PetSmarts' CUP to allow the boarding of cats <br />and dogs at their proposed site in Rosedale Commons, 2480 Fairview Avenue. <br />Mr. Paschke noted that the Planning Commission had unanimously approved the <br />request at their December 2007 meeting, with minor amendments; and that staff <br />had since that meeting, worked with the City Attorney and made recommendation <br />for code modifications to consider allowing pet boarding and dog day care; spe- <br />cific to the definition of "Dog Kennel," adding pet boarding and dog day camp <br />and/or daycare as accessory uses to Pet and Pet Supply Stores in order to be al- <br />lowed through a CUP. <br />Mr. Paschke presented a revised version, recommended by Councilmember Ihlan <br />previously, of the proposed ordinance, that would amend language of Section 2, <br />Section 1002.02 (Dog Kennel) exclusions to read: "...excluding pet boarding <br />and/or dog day care as an accessory use to pet and pet supply store; "fexcept that <br />such pet boarding or dog day care shall remain subiect to the licensing re- <br />quirements of 501.19 of this Code.]" <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed further concern related to noise nuisances from <br />barking dogs; and potential problems from pet feces. <br />Discussion included code provisions that would apply to those concerns, as ad- <br />dressed by City Attorney Anderson (501.03); application to private or residential <br />versus commercial operations; zoning code amendment to approve specific uses <br />and potential impacts to future uses in any business zone except B-6 allowing dog <br />kennel classification, only through CUP's; license code application to smaller <br />scale kennels, outside, not indoors; and the need for sufficient regulatory basis <br />and standard criteria; and whether sufficient controls are in place. <br />