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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes -Wednesday, October 03, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />6. Information and Reports <br />PROJECT FILE 0003 <br />Review and discussion of design standards for the Twin Lakes area, to be <br />adopted into the City Code. <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke introduced DRAFT Design Principles for the Twin <br />Lakes Master Plan & Redevelopment Area developed by staff and presented to the <br />Planning Commission for their review and consideration. Mr. Paschke noted that <br />these principles had been jointed drafted in 2002 by City staff and Urban design <br />consultant Peter J. Musty of Inc., Minneapolis, MN, and partially <br />funded by the Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Demonstration Grant. The <br />design principles contained checklists for basic goals, land use patterns, streets & <br />public spaces, frontages, buildings, and the design review process. Mr. Paschke <br />noted that, while these design guidelines or standards specific to Twin Lakes had <br />been created, they had never been reviewed or acted on by the Planning <br />Commission, or adopted into code through City Council approval. Mr. Paschke <br />advised that staff had used the guidelines as they reviewed various projects; and it <br />was the goal of Community Development staff, as the area developed or redeveloped, <br />to take components of this document that could be extrapolated and turned into <br />guidelines to create a whole new document, with the support of the Planning <br />Commission and City Council, and adopted into code, or as a stand-alone policy to <br />provide consistency in staff's review of land use applications in the area. <br />Commissioner Boerigter opined that he wanted clarification of what was allowed <br />under the current Comprehensive Plan and Master Plan in the Twin Lakes area; the <br />framework for that to be done; whether "big box" is a component; specific uses; and <br />whether the current Comprehensive Plan limited where things could be built due to <br />maps and incorporations by staff and/or the City Attorney. Commissioner Boerigter <br />further opined that this would dictate some of the design standards, rather than having <br />them created in a vacuum. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that it was the opinion of staff that the uses allowed in the Twin <br />Lakes Redevelopment Area are not specific to a given location, based on how <br />documents have been created to-date and recent court rulings, with the <br />Comprehensive Plan and B-6 Zoning District spelling out specific uses; no prohibition <br />on "big box" construction, identified as a permissible use in a service mixed retail <br />area; based on language of the court rulings. <br />Other permitted uses included high-tech medical; no limitations on square footage; <br />regulations by the AUAR on types of use and their impacts to transportation, <br />environment and infrastructure; status of the AUAR Update; function of the AUAR as <br />an environmental document that looks at impacts, and the three (3) scenarios to be <br />reviewed and a mix of uses that could potentially be developed in the Twin Lakes <br />area, and whether those uses are consistent with the City's goals and whether the <br />impacts of those uses need to be mitigated, but not limiting square footages. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that staff was hoping to have the AUAR Update on the October <br />8, 2007 Council meeting for action. <br />Commissioners Doherty and Gottfried, with Commission consensus, requested that a <br />copy of the AUAR Update be provided to the Planning Commission when approved by <br />the City Council. <br />Mr. Paschke cautioned that there was not a correlation in creating design standards, <br />and the AUAR document; however, Commissioners sought the AUAR document as a <br />point of reference and context. <br />